A Big Thank you to the Community !


Hi Everybody,

With great gratitude and emotion, I am writing to express my most sincere thanks for all the support and love you gave me during my brain surgery. I don’t have enough words to describe how much your prayers, encouraging messages, support to make this surgery happen and constant presence meant to me during this difficult time in my life.

Thanks to your unconditional support, I have overcome this with more strength and determination. I feel blessed to have you all in my life and to have your help at every step of the way.

Every act of kindness and solidarity has given me the necessary strength to face this challenge and move forward with hope and much love in my heart.

Now that I am on the path to recovery, I commit to continuing to serve our community with more passion and dedication than ever. My experience has reminded that serving those who need it most is why I live for, and I am determined to give back all the love and support I have received.

I will continue contributing positively and making a difference in the lives of others, just as you have done in mine. Together, we can build a stronger and more supportive community.

With all my heart, I thank you again for being by my side. Your support has been fundamental, and I will always carry it in my heart.

Maria Jose Orellana
Hearts of Gold Executive Director

Hearts of Gold Foundation



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