Divorce in Ecuador


Getting divorced in Ecuador can be a complex process, especially for expatriates who may not be familiar with the country’s laws and procedures. This article provides an overview of this process in Ecuador, including the grounds for divorce, residency requirements and how to apply for one. We will also touch on issues related to property division and child custody.

If you are an expatriate living in Ecuador and are considering divorce, it is important to understand that the laws and procedures that apply in Ecuador may be quite different from those in North America.

If you are an expatriate living in Ecuador and are considering divorce, it is advisable to seek the advice of a legal professional who can guide you through the process and help you understand your rights and obligations under Ecuadorian law.

Contact us today for a consultation with our family law specialists.

Atty Rafael Arizaga
Mat: 01-2021-92
Cuenca Ecuador
096 703 2414

City: Cuenca

Rafael Arizaga



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