Our landscapes in watercolor exhibition by kids and teens of Fundacion Nur


Everyone is invited to visit this exhibition featuring landscapes from Cuenca and El Salado painted by twenty-four children and teens attending Fundacion Nur’s Bright Gems program

Museo de Arte Moderno de la ciudad de Cuenca, Mariscal Sucre y Coronel Talbot

September 24th – 29th, 2024, 9-4:30pm

Opening and artists meet-and-greet:
Tuesday, September 24th, 3pm.

YOU CAN LOOK AT THE PAINTINGS ONLINE HERE: https://fundnur.org/our-landscapes-in-watercolor/

The funds raised will be used to buy art supplies and snacks for around 180 children that will receive art and values classes through the “Nur on the road” initiative.

Thank you!

Fundación Núr


+593 97 937 8786

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