What do you ask a Shaman? Free Q&A via Zoom with Andean Shaman


Can shamanism help with mental illness? What about my anxiety? Does shamanic healing work long distance? What can be healed with shamanic medicine? How do you stay in a good relationship with the natural and spiritual world? Why is gratitude important? What do you have to do to become a shaman? What questions should I ask when I interview a healer?

If you’re curious and want to know more about shamanism, or about Andean medicine, spirituality and cosmovision, now is a great time to share your questions with Andean Shaman Taita Ivan Navarro. Join us online for a virtual QandA via Zoom (English translation provided) on Monday, November 20th at 10am for open conversation based on your questions. Participants will also receive a group harmonization at the close of our online encounter.

Taita Ivan Navarro is an elder shaman from Chile with over 40 years of service in the healing arts. For the last 15 years he has been in Ecuador offering his shamanic services in ceremonial healing, sweat lodge medicine, power plant medicine rituals, energy rebalancing, ancestral healing, and other healing services.

Please send me an email if you’d like to receive the Zoom invite and link.

Mary Colleen



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