FAAN Thanks Ital Deli and Prime Pet!


We know you know we’re raising funds to build Ecuador’s most modern animal shelter and you’ve probably heard about Gala FAAN-TASTICA on October 7th when our community of animal lovers dresses up and goes all out for the Dogs.

What you may not know is there are Business and Community Partners and Volunteers of FAAN (Fundacion Familia Amor Animal) like Ital Deli and Prime PET who are helping us feed the over 150 abused, rescued, and senior dogs in our care every day.

FAAN’s President, Jose Gomez who every day drives up the mountain to care for our dogs was thrilled and emotional to accept 300 pounds of fresh dog food for our pups from Prime Pet. (Wowza–if we could show you how happy our dogs were their fresh feast)

It takes each of us and all of us to make Cuenca known as the “The City that Cares about Animal Welfare.”

Join us as a Volunteer, Business Sponsor, Adopter and Guest at
GALA FAAN-TASTICA on October 7th.

To Get your Tickets and Donate to our Auction Palooza, visit our Gala Headquarters or write us at info@faanecuador.org




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