Thinking of Moving to Ecuador? Take this Short Quiz (#49)


1. At a bank, the teller in Cajero #1 signals to the guard that she’s going to step away. Why will this concern everyone in line and what will usually happen immediately so as to calm everyone down?
2. When driving in Ecuador, which phone applications are most common and what are their drawbacks if any?
3. Generally, there are two styles of honking in Ecuador. What are they, which is most common, and what do they mean?
4. What are some ballpark prices for land, apartments, and houses in different parts of Ecuador for 2022 and 2023? What about renting?
5. What are the chances of finding a “craft” beer here in Ecuador?

0. Strongly recommend going to
1. Probably best to go to
2. Consider going to
3. 50/50
4. You might be ok without
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Alternatively, one can go to Amazon and buy the book Mas Despacio 1,000 things to consider before moving to Ecuador for only $9.99.

Stay tuned for more questions in a few days.

Rick Ochoa

Dani Classifieds

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