Cuenca celebrates UNESCO designation, Gang of thieves arrested, Weekend events, City council considers budget, Ex-official arrested for graft

Nov 30, 2019 | 2 comments

Viernes, 29/11/2019

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Opera contest award ceremony – The gala awards ceremony with the 16 finalists in the lyrical singing contest accompanied by the OSC was Friday night in the teatro Casa de la Cultura.

Teatro a ciegas (Blind theater) – The Profundamiento theater collective will presented El corazon delator (The Tell-Tale Heart) based on an Edgar Alan Poe story Friday at the Alianza Francesa. The “blind” part refers to the audience which will be blindfolded and will need to understand the play by hearing and feeling what is in the actor’s voices and in the special effects. <I don’t think I need to tell you that your Spanish is going to need to be very good to appreciate this performance. Unless you cheat and peek.> Cost> $8 & $12.

Del cuerpo del periodico –

Many historic houses have been destroyed in recent years, many of them to make room for parking lots.

“Expo Tecnología Cuenca 2019” – This technology fair opened Friday and will run through el domingo in the Centro de Convenciones Mall del Río starting at 10:00. Cost: $1.50, children and seniors free.

Velada por el Patrimonio – INPC (Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural) will celebrate the 20th anniversary of Cuenca being declared a UN World Heritage side. It will be Saturday in CIDAP with a crafts fair, live demonstrations <Hopefully not the kind with boulder and tree trunk blockades and burning tires.>, and a photo exhibit. At 18:00 there will be a Festival de Danza Folclórica and at 20:00 a concert with Verónica Tola y Los Añejos. The crafts fair and photo exhibit will continue on Sun. starting at 10:00.

Andean snack fair – The first Andean snack festival will be Saturday a from 10-18:00 in San Joaquín along the bio-corridor Yanuncay 1.5 km. from the Golf Club on the via to Soldados in the Barabón sector. <And the road is finally paved so you won’t have to negotiate continuous potholes.>

Concierto – A concert to honor the declaration of Cuenca as a World Heritage site was given Friday by the Coro Polifónico and the Orquesta Sinfónica of the U. of Cuenca el sábado, 30/11 in the Plaza del Otorongo.

Weekend activities –

Nabón -Christmas lighting ceremony with a choral competition Saturday a las 20:00 in the Plaza Central.
Cañaribamba in Santa Isabel – Election of the queen of Cañaribamba Saturday a las 20:00.
Cuenca – Ceremony for 20th anniversary of Cuenca being declared a World Heritage Site in the Museo de las Ciudad (ex-escuela Central) el domingo a las 16:00.
Cuenca – Concert with the Orquesta de Instrumentos Andinos in the Plaza San Francisco Friday.
Sarayunga – Agricultural and crafts fair and exposition Friday with election of the queen and a dance. A men’s indoor football championship Saturday, burning the vaca loca (crazy cow) Saturday a las 20:00 with a dance. Intercommunity sports el domingo with a big dance a las 20:00. <Sounds like the town is ready to party this weekend. You’ll have to drive almost all the way to Machala to join in, though.>

Evento Gastronómico – There will be a gastronomic event Saturday a las 11:00 in the Ayacorral-Museo Catedral Vieja (enter from Sucre) to prepare traditional sweets <sugar, sugar and more sugar>, empanaditas and more. Cost: $5.00. <Maybe that includes all you can eat or all that your teeth will allow you to eat before they start rotting out of your head right there.>

Tribute -There will be a tribute to the Hombres G and Enanitos Verdes groups by the Cabaret Ambulante band Saturday a las 21:30 in the República Sur. <That hour is as good as saying, “No one over 65 allowed.” I know, I know – some of you are night owls.> Cost: $5.00.

Argentinean rock – Sebastian López performed rock in the Break caré-bar (Juan Jaramillo y Mariano Cueva 4-81). Cost: $3.00.

Flea market – Sponsored by the Club Rotario Tomebamba – viernes y sábado, 30/11 – 27 de febrero 41-15 from 9-16:00.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Concejales analizan el presupuesto (Councilors analyze the budget) – The 2020 budget for Cuenca comes to $239 million, much of which is for public works. Projects include the Bicentennial Bridge which will connect Guayas with 3 de Noviembre and remodeling the mirador (lookout) at Turi. A large part of the budget will go to the Juntas Parroquiales (Parish governing boards) and the budget includes income from the Tranvía. <The same Tranvía that still has no start date and is expected to need subsidies to run? Who wrote this budget – a bookkeeper who’s been working in Antarctica for the past 5 years? Heaven help Cuenca.>
The budget has $90 million for public works, $13.7 million for personnel and $13 million in social areas. $19.5 million is supposed to go to the 14 rural parishes, an increase from this year’s budget of $7.2 million. Other budget items include purchasing land in Llacao to relocate the wholesale market and to improve parks.

Influence trafficking – Along with 32 others, the ex-head of the CPCCS is being investigated by the Fiscalía (Prosecutor’s office) for offering positions in various public entities including the Dirección de Aviación Civil (Civil Aviation) and the Dirección Nacional de Aduanas (Customs). The accused also offered public contracts for kickbacks of 10-20%.

Casas patrimoniales (patrimonial houses) – The city department of Areas Históricas y Patrimoniales is aware of 145 infractions in 2016, 170 in 2017, 130 in 2018, and 55 so far in 2019. Dozens of these historic homes have been turned into parking lots, hotels and condos with only the facade remaining. The latest case in which the owner tore down a house on Hermano Miguel is being appealed. The owner was fined $19,700 and ordered to rebuild the house.

Gang of thieves – The Policía Nacional has broken up a gang accused of violent robberies of passersby in Cuenca, taking money and other items. It was also tied to auto and auto accessories thefts and selling drugs. One of the crimes in which a young person was attacked on Vargas Machuca y Simón Bolívar, was captured by a security camera el martes a las 20:00. 7 Venezuelans were arrested.

Descuentos y compras –

I’m just going to list the places with Black Friday (plus Sat and Sun <or through to Christmas>) sales, dates and times.

Mall del Río, Batan Shopping, Racar Plaza, Monay Shopping – Fri. to 22:00, Sat. to 22:00, and & Sun. to 20:00.

Computron – Fri, Sat y Sun – Solano y Remigio Crespo Toral; Mall del Río, #2SB; Batán Shopping, #3.s

Superstock – Fri, Sat, & Sun.

TCL – Fri, Sat, & Sun – go to for on-line purchase of TVs.

Home Vega – Fri. only?

Supermaxi – from 1-31/11, 2019. <I know someone whose birthday on their cedula was 31/11. Try renewing your cedula with that kind of booboo on it.)

ETAFASHION – 29/11-2/12.

UgaldeJerves – 29 & 30/11.

Comercial Solis – 28, 29 & 30/11.

And that’s all for today so la Hasta la próxima semana.



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