Cuencano racer wins Olympic gold in Paris

Aug 1, 2024 | 0 comments

Twenty-eight-year-old Brian Pintado of Cuenca won Ecuador’s first gold medal in the 2024 Paris Olympics Wednesday, finishing first in the 20-kilometer race walk. He becomes the second Cuencano to win the event, following Jefferson Perez’s 1996 victory in the Atlanta Olympics.

Pintado surged to an early lead in the race and led the field by 37 seconds at the 10-kilometer mark.

Celebrating at the finish line, Pintado recalled his earlier prediction that he would win a medal in the race. “I worried I was a little bold with that prediction, so I am thrilled that it came true and that it was the gold medal that I won,” he said. “Now I can celebrate, thankful that all the work I have put in has paid off and also thankful for the motivation I received from my two children. This is a dream for them too.”

Pintado explained his race strategy. “I wanted to put space between myself and my rivals, especially [Brazilian Caio] Bonfim and [Spaniard Álvaro} Martín early. There was some risk since I could tire out if it did not succeed but, fortunately, it did.”

Of the original nine race walk qualifiers, only four entered the last kilometer of the race with Pintado. “I had a comfortable lead then and knew I would not be challenged,” he said.

Pintado’s official time was one hour, 18 minutes and 55 seconds.


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