Day of the Dead crowds are small; Machu Picchu reopens to tourists at limited capacity; Three companies authorized for political polling

Nov 3, 2020 | 0 comments

Lunes, 2/11/2020

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
Otras cosas –

Titular – Parque se deteriora (Park deteriorates) – See Monday’s CHL article for story.

El Día de los Difuntos con pocas visitas al cementerio (All Souls’ Day with few visits to the cemetery) – Restrictions on visits to the cemetery have hurt vendors around the cemetery who sell flowers, candles and arrangements. Visitors must have a reservation to enter the cemetery and only stay 20 or 30 minutes <depending on what part of the article you’re reading>. Vulnerable populations – children under 12, pregnant women, and seniors over 60 are not allowed to enter at all. Vendors say that in past years, adultos mayores were the largest segment of visitors on the eve of All Souls Day. <What we oldsters are doing there is checking out our next “apartment.”>

Buscan detener decesos por Muerte Súbita Cardíaca (They seek to stop deaths from Sudden Cardiac Death) – The Municipio de Cuenca and the Cantonal Health Council have installed 2 automatic defibrillators, one in the parque El Paraíso, and the other in the linear park along av. Primero de Mayo. The initiative is to ecucate the population about immediate response to a cardiac emergency.The city is training personnel in the Guardia Ciudadana and Empresa de Aseo de Cuenca (EMAC – the Garbage Company) in how to use the devices. <So if you’re having a heart attack, look for a Guardia Ciudadana cop or a garbageman.>

Tres firmas pueden hacer prognósticos (Three firms can make predictions) – A third polling firm, Euroknow S.A., has been approved by the CNE to make predictions in the 2021 general elections. Only approved companies with demonstrated experience and qualified personnel can make predictions under parameters established by the CNE to guarantee the accuracy of the information. <Whereas anyone in the US with an internet connection can make any sort of prediction they want, verifiable or not.> Results of surveys and election predictions can be publicized by the media up to 10 days before election day.

Internacional –

Closed since March, Machu Picchu is reopening to tourists at 30% capacity.

Primeros turistas en volver a Machu Picchu (First tourists to return to Machu Picchu) – The train to Machu Picchu started taking tourists to the site el domingo for the first visits today since the site closed for the pandemic. The reopening has generated much interest, especially among Peruvians who have bought all the tickets for the first 2 weeks of noviembre. The protocal for the reopening is at 30% of normal capacity with only 675 people touring the site daily. <Sounds like now is the time to go if you want to avoid crowds.>

Agenda – Note that all in person events have limited capacity.

jueves – 5 de noviembre:

11:00 – Inauguración de la exposición: 70 años de Condorito (Opening of the exhibition: 70 years of Condorito) – Parque de la Libertad.
15:00 – Conferencia: Cuenca Bicentenaria (Conference: Cuenca Bicentennial) – by Mgtr. Cristóbal Cárdenas Espinoza – register at https://form.glefycaznxttn95xrc29/.
17:00 – Presentación del libro: ¡No más tinieblas! De biblioteca pública a Centro de Documentación Regional Juan Bautista Vázquez 1882-2020 (Presentation of the book: No more darkness! From public library to the Juan Bautista Vázquez Regional Documentation Center 1882-2020) – Facebook Live @universidadde.cuenca.
19:00 – Inauguración de la exposición: Volúmenes: elementos metafóricos en el Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno (Opening of the exhibition: Volumes: metaphorical elements at the Municipal Museum of Modern Art) – Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno.
19:00 – Inauguración de la exposición: Estéticas imaginables: plástica cuencana en la colección del Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno (Inauguration of the exhibition: Imaginative aesthetics: cuencana plastic arts in the collection of the Municipal Museum of Modern Art) – Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno.

Descuentos y compras –

Agapantos, Complejo Turistico Baños, Cuenca – thermal pools, turkish bath, hot springs – reopened with all biosecurity measures – lunes a domingo, 8-18:00 – (593 7) 289

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper. The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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