Domingo, 25/6/2017: Russia Week, Peru fire, Tuesday French movie, Ecuadorians deported

Jun 26, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

Domingo cultural – Sunday cultural event in the Museo de la Ciudad was a short film, “El robo de las ases” (The robbery of the aces).

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Exposición – An exhibit of about 100 pictures by the students of the Taller Camino al Arte (The Way to Art Workshop) for kids from 4-12 will open on viernes, 30/6 at 18:30 in the Centro Cultural Municipal Casa de las Posadas (Gran Colombia 17-42 entre Octavio Cordero y Miguel Heredia.

From Saturday’s paper – upcoming event –

Cine – Alianza Francesa’s Martes de Cine will be “Bebé Tigre” (Tiger Baby) el próximo martes at 19:00. Free.

Articles about –

Museo Remigio Crespo Toral – The recently reopened museum has a reserve collection of 28,000 pieces in including archeological, paintings. sculpture and historical archives. Currently showing is 100 years of women’s fashion including daily wear, wedding and mourning dresses, accessories, perfumes, hats and shoes.

De Raíz (From Root) – This group of the Cultural Unit of the U. of Cuenca just released a CD of experimental fusion folk music. The group which has indigenous members who add their ancestral knowledge, performed at the recent Fiesta de la Música. There are 7 other groups at the U. of Cuenca including Causanacunchi and Huairpamushcas for folk dance, Allullacta and De Raíz for folk music, the Orquesta Sinfónica, the Coro Polifónico, and the Chamber music group.

Taller – “Cuerpo y Disidencias” (Body and Dissidence) will be a performance workshop given from 26/6-7/7 from 15-18:00 in the Museo de la Ciudad (Benigno Malo y Gran Colombia). The workshop seeks to create dialogues, using the body, within the performance arts from the visual arts, <followed by more unintelligible artspeak> and ending with a discursive media for political, economic, social and individual problems. <An ambitious agenda – the dance equivalent to current politics would be the St. Vitus.> Register at

Otras cosas –

Titular – Hay azuayos entre los expulsados por Trump (Azuayans among those deported by Trump) – A group of 40 Ecuadorian including citizens of Cuenca and Gualaquiza returned to Ecuador last Friday after being deported from the US. Most arrived with only what they were wearing, all of their other belongings left in the US. Another 300 are expected on the next flights. One Quiteño told Ecuavisa TV that they were treated like criminals – the whole time their feet were shackled and they were mixed in with drug addicts and rapists. <Kind of like the Japanese in WWII – one day at home and the next in a horse stall in Bay Meadows with no time to settle their affairs.>

Public Announcement – Semana Internacional Rusia (Russian International Week) will be from 30/6 to 1/7. <That’s the shortest week I’ve ever heard of.>

Viernes, 30/6: Magic show at 17:30 in the Mall del Río; Acrobatics show at 19:30 at the Puente Roto.

Sábado, 1/7: Closing day, all activities at the Parque de la Madre. 10-20:00 – Entrepreneur Fair; 11:00 – Traditional dances; 12:00 – Russian Circus; 16:00 – Matryoshkas painting contest; 17:30-19:30 – Gymnastics show. Noche Rusa (Russian Night) at Containers Park on Florencia Astudillo across the street from the Parque de la Madre at 20:00.

Closures – A police operation closed 6 bars and discos la noche del viernes (Fri. night) and early Sat. for not having permits to operate and for noise. Noise is controlled by an Environmental Contamination ordinance which sets a maximum of 50 decibels at night. <which is not that loud>

Crecimiento desenfrenado (Unchecked growth) – The Bienal de Arquitectura closed on Friday. One of the speakers, an Cuenca architect who taught at the U. of Arizona, spoke about unchecked development, the disappearance of agricultural land and its substitution with high intensity farming that is supposedly organic. He warned about boxing in the Río Tomebamba, <Do you want to see the LA River here in Cuenca?> followed by a bunch of architalk. <which is about as far from normal English as artspeak is.>

Clowns – U. of Cuenca Psychology students are visiting children in the IESS Pediatric units in Cuenca and Azogues, and the elderly in nursing homes. Besides clown acts, they also perform theater and balloon art. The 30 some young people are looking add more members. <Maybe they’d consider adding some adulto mayor members. You could take over the gramma, grampa role. Throw some animal assisted therapy into the mix. And you’d probably have a bunch of hyper-active sick kids.>

Actualidades – articles about –

Dr. Jorge Villavicencio Palacios – has just published “Relatos de Consultorio” (Stories from the Consulting Room).

Corpus Cristi – El Mercurio sponsored the castillo in parque Calderón.

Holguer Parra – is a collector of rocks, stones, archeological pieces and pictoral art. As an engineering working on mining, hydroelectric and other tunneling projects, he was able to collect interesting rock specimens.

ETAPA – A history of ETAPA which was formed in 1968 from a predecesor company and which now brings us the best water in América. <I think this piece was written by ETAPA.>

Sports and health – sports detraining.

Amenidades –

Drawing – El Mercurio and Hotel Balandra are holding a drawing for a weekend in Manta. Fill out the coupon in the paper and take it to any El Mercurio office. The drawing is on 6/7.

Internacional –

Perú – A fire which started last Thu. in an old factory left 8 injured and 4 missing. The building was near the Plaza 2 de Mayo and housed hardware galleries which were full of combustibles, chemicals, plastics and gas. One of the workers said that they started work at 7 or 8 am, the doors were only opened at 12 or 1 to go get a lunch to go, and then they were shut in again until 6:30. The office of OIT (Organización Internacional de Trabajo (Labor)) said that the working conditions they discovered were a modern form of slavery.

Colombia – Two Dutch journalists were released by ELN in Catatumbo near the Venezuelan border last Fri. They had been held since 17/6.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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