Ecuador welcomes int’l court decision; Taximeter misuse is monitored; Animal shelter breaks ground; Covid shots offered; Exercise classes for seniors

May 25, 2024 | 0 comments

Viernes, 24/5/2024

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Agenda de actividades para el fin de semana (Weekend activities agenda) – You can enjoy live music in the ex- Escuela Central el sábado, 25/5 a las 18:00. It will be part of the launch for the ‘Ecos Aborígenes: sonidos de Cuenca y del viento’ project (Aboriginal Echoes: Sounds of Cuenca and the Wind). There will be a recreational event from 10:00 to 12:00, also tomorrow, in the Casa Comunal of Las Orquídeas barrio with fantasy characters, sports activities, inflatables <If that’s the same as a jump house, sign me up.>, foam cannon, bubble machine and more.

De El Mercurio del jueves, 23/5 (3 articles):

Talleres para jubilados – (Workshops for retirees) – IESS announced that it is offering workshops for retirees in the Centro de Atención al Adulto Mayor (CAAM) in passive and functional gymnastics, cognitive stimulation, psychology, music, nutrition, healthy eating, sculpture, painting, personal wellbeing, self-care, and audiovisual arts. The goal is to prevent functional and mental dependency and encourage rehabilitation and maintenance of physical health. <You could do the last by yourself just by getting off the couch, turning off the TV, and going for a walk – a walk longer than the distance to and from the refrigerator. Carrying a liter of ice cream back to the couch doesn’t count as weight bearing exercise.>

Due to increased complaints from passengers, EMOV and the Cuenca Citizen Guard are stepping up efforts to make sure taxi drivers base fares on taxi meter readings. (El Mercurio)

Talleres de tejido (Weaving workshops) – The Museo Municipal dela y el Sombrero (Rafael María Arizaga 7-95 y Luis Cordero) is inviting citizens to participate in free workshops for straw weaving. The first course will start el 3/6 and end el 24/7 with classes on martes y jueves from 14:00 to 16:00, and on sábado from 9:00 to 11:00. A 2nd workshop is planned for 3/9 to 26/10.

Agenda festiva tiene Chiquintad (Chiquintad’s festive agenda) – Chiquintad is celebrating its 146 years of history and tradition starting el domingo, 26/5 a las 10:00 with the Chiquintad 10k run. The election of the queen will be el sábado, 1/6 a las 18:00 in a location to be announced. A solemn session will be held el viernes 7/6 a las 18:00 in the parish salon. There will be a musical show in the central plaza el sábado, 8/6 a las 19:00, and mass in the main church el domingo, 9/6 a las 8:00 followed by a civic parade in the main streets las 10:00. <Have fun and bring your camera. Which nowadays, means don’t forget your phone.>

Titular –

Fallan contra México; beneplácito en Ecuador (Ruling against Mexico; Ecuador welcomes the decision) – The International Court of Justice rejected the request for interim measures demanded by Mexico against Ecuador. The demand wanted a guarantee of protection for the embassy in Quito while the demand concerning Ecuador’s incursion into the Mexican embassy is being resolved. <Or something like that. The rest of the article is too complicated for me to muddle through since it’s after midnight and I’m tired.>

Cuenca –

De El Mercurio del jueves, 23/5 (2 articles):
Arrancan obras para refugio municipal de rescate animal (Groundbreaking for municipal animal shelter) – The work to implement the Centro de Acogida de Animales Domésticos de Compañía (Center for Sheltering and Adoption of Domestic Companion Animals) has started. It will be in the La Pasada sector of Cumbe Parish to the south of Cuenca. The shelter will be built in an area of 4,600 sq. meters in a 140,000 sq. m. plot acquired by the City, with inititial plans to house 1,000 cats and dogs. The land cost the Municipality $280,000 with the goal that pets entering the shelter will be adopted in less time and to guarantee they will receive good treatment.

Estimates are that the shelter, which will be the largest in the south of the country, will start functioning this year. Gabriela Brito, council woman and promoter of the Domestic Companion Animal Protection Ordinance said that the ARCA foundation will be the first to occupy this land which complies with all the conditions required by sanitary regulations for this type of infrastructure.

Vigilan mal uso del taxímetro (Taximeter misuse is being monitored) – Between enero y abril, EMOV EP has received 15 complaints about taxi meters. These include alterations or manipulation of meters, not using meters, meters not visible, inappropriate routes <gringo routing – like taking you home from El Centro to Gringolandia by way of the airport>, starting the meter ahead of time, fares that don’t match the meter, and charging without using the meter outside the urban area or negotiating prices. If you feel that you’ve been charged an incorrect fare, get the receipt which has the name of the proprieter and the license plate and present your complaint. The investigation into complaints can take between 2 and 3 weeks. A report is given to the Unidad de Control de Transporte Público which notifies the cab company so they can present their defense.

In brief – The minimum daytime fare is $1.39. After 19:00 the minimum night fare is $1.67. The start-up fare is $0.55, waiting time costs $0.06, the daytime fare per kilometer is $0.29, and the night time fare per km. is $0.39.

Actualidad –

De El Mercurio del jueves, 23/5 (1 article):
En 112 centros de salud se vacunará contra COVID-19 (COVID-19 vaccinations to be given in 112 health centers) – Covid vaccinations will be restarted next week 5 weeks after the last campaign ended. They will be available in 112 Azuayan health centers with 45 of them in Cuenca. The Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP) acquired 500,000 doses. Priority will be given to children who have not yet received Covid vaccinations, adults with serious or chronic illnesses, those over 65, all caregivers for people with disabilities, pregnant women <are there any other kind of pregnant people?>, personnel in geriatric centers, active police and military, firefighters, and prison inmates.

Nacional –

Hasta el 2 de junio no habrá cortes de energía (No power outages until June 2) – <And then the power will be off until July 1 so they can clean silt out of all of the reservoirs all at the same time. Latam has cheap flights to Venezuela where you can sit out this power outage.> In spite of the Coca Codo Sinclair plant undergoing maintenance from el 24-26/5, there will be no power shut offs until 2/6. Even though the plant produces 25% of the energy in the country, taking it out of service will not cause shortages thanks to the hydrological situation in Paute.

Descuentos y compras –

ETAFASHION – 72 hour sale until el 26/5 – Up to 50% off +10% off with direct credit on selected merchandise.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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