Ecuadorians go digital, disconnect landline phones; Salazar says ‘case is closed’ on Correa; Heavy rains flood Guayaquil; Ecuador ranks 7th for migrants

Feb 19, 2024 | 0 comments

Ecuadorians are joining the international trend of tapping into the internet and digital connections and abandoning landline telephones and television rabbit ears.

According to data from the 2022- 2023 census, 87% of households have at least one cellphone while landline phone connections dropped to 21% in 2022 from 34% in 2010. At the same time, 36% of households subscribe to internet or satellite television services.

Census data also shows that 61% of households have fixed internet service with a majority having at least one computer or internet tablet.

Ecuador Attorney General Diana Salazar

Comments from the census office say the increase of digital services explains the 84% decline in the number of internet phone cafes since 2010 as well as the 62% drop in DVD movie shops.

Among other census findings are that 79% of households had refrigerators in 2022, an increase of 16% since 2010. Increases since 2010, per household, of other appliances include: microwave ovens, up 21%; washing machines, up 19%; and clothes dryers, up 17%.

Provinces showing the largest increases in digital connections and household appliances, were Azuay, Pichincha and the Galapagos, which are also the provinces with the highest average household income in Ecuador.

Salazar says ‘case is closed’ on Correa
Attorney General Diana Salazar is confident the latest attempt to bring former president Rafael Correa home from Belgium will fail. “I don’t believe there are the votes in the National Assembly to pass the measure proposed by Citizens Revolution to review and overturn his conviction,” she says. “If it does succeed, it would be vetoed by the president or rejected by the Constitutional Court.”

In two weekend interviews, Salazar called the measure passed by the Assembly’s Justice Commission “outrageous on its face,” and a violation of the constitution. “The ex-president’s case was adjudicated years ago and the conviction was handed down,” she said. “It defies logic that the Assembly would include a measure in the criminal code revisions that make it easier for criminals to go free. The purpose of the legislation is to strengthen penalties for criminals and make certain they serve their sentences.”

Commenting on Correa’s corruption case, she said there is no need to review the conviction. “Two of his assistants testified under oath that he was aware of the corruption in the campaign office and in the government,” she said. “He told one of his aides to follow the orders of [Jorge] Glas after being warned of the extortion and bribery going on with contractors.” She added: “This case is closed.”

Asked by an Ecuavisa interviewer if she was considering a run for president next year, given her high public approval ratings. She said no, but that she would “keep the option open” for 2029.

Heavy rains flood Guayaquil
Torrential rains flooded large areas Guayaquil Sunday night and the weather service says more rain is on the way. Hardest-hit sectors were near the Urdesa Bridge, Calle Higueras, Dañín Plaza, Calle 4 de November and Parque California.

The National Meteorology Insitute (Inamhi) warns that heavy rains will continue until at least Wednesday on the coast and areas near the western foothills of the Andes Mountains, with the largest amounts expected in Guayas, Los Ríos, Santa Elena, Manabí and Esmeraldas provinces.

Ecuador ranks 7th for north-bound migrants 
The Mexican Immigration Ministry reports that the number of undocumented Ecuadorians attempting to enter the U.S. at the Mexico-U.S. border more than tripled from 2022 to 2023. The Ministry reported 70,790 in 2023 compared to 22,098 in 2022.

Ecuador ranks seventh among Latin American nations for the highest number of undocumented migrants traveling through Mexico to the U.S. Mexico continues to lead the migrant list, followed by Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia and Cuba.


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