Electric generation barge goes into operation; Fire threatened the Virgin of Quito; Air quality improves; Correa and Assembly president exchange insults

Sep 13, 2024 | 0 comments

The Emre Bey power generation barge began producing electricity Thursday following a two week delay due to anchoring problems in the Guayas River. The diesel-powered barge is producing 101.3 megawatts and will undergo a series of tests in its first week of operation.

The barge, owned by the Turkish company Karpowership, is anchored temporarily at the Ecuagran dock near Guayaquil and may be relocated at a later date, Ecuador’s Energy Ministry said.

A forest fire on Quito’s iconic El Panecillo hill Thursday forced the evacuation of nearby residents before it was brought under control.

The Energy Ministry also said it is negotiating with Karpowership for an additional three generation barges and will decide next week if they are needed. The ministry said a determination will depend on reservoir conditions at the Paute-Mazar hydroelectric complex. Since September 1, the reservoir level has dropped a meter per day due to the ongoing drought.

Fire threatened the Virgin of Quito
A fast-spreading fire destroyed several hectares of forest on Quito’s iconic El Panecillo, the hill topped with a statue of the Virgin of Quito. The fire, believed to have been set by an arsonist, began shortly after noon and was not contained until 3:30. Dozens of nearby homes were evacuated as a precaution and several residents were treated on the scene for smoke inhalation.

As social networks posted videos showing thick clouds of smoke rising above the hill, the municipal fire department dispatched more than 40 firefighters to the scene and put two Bambi bucket-equipped helicopters in the air to drop water on the flames.

El Panecillo was a sacred site for the Incas when they ruled Quito in the early 1500s and became the center of Spanish Quito following the conquest.

Cuenca air quality improves
Cuenca’s air quality returned to the “good” range Wednesday afternoon and Thursday. According to the Air Quality Index monitored by the University of Azuay, the particulate matter (PM2.5) reading averaged 39 over the 36-hour period ending at midnight Thursday, although there were occasional readings in the “moderate” range. The four other air quality categories, including carbon monoxide, also registered in the “good” range.

Air Quality Index monitors said the improvement was the result of a reduction of airborne smoke as most wildfires in Azuay and Loja Provinces have been brought under control.

Correa and the National Assembly president exchange insults
Former President Rafael Correa and National Assembly President Henry Kronfle traded picturesque insults Wednesday following the Assembly’s vote to end impeachment efforts against Attorney General Diana Salazar.

In a social media post, Kronfle said he was glad the possibility of a trial had been “put to rest,” adding that he had kept his commitment to “support with my vote the management of the Attorney General and help archive the political trial against her.”

Correa responded angrily: “Kronfle not even ashamed! What they [Citizens Revolution] offered was a trial that would have allowed the country to see the irrefutable evidence against Attorney General Salazar. The Assembly has taken away the right of the Ecuadorian people! Kronfle’s straw tail is a kilometre long!”

In response, Kronfle texted: “Here is the donkey talking about his ears! Make no mistake, and do not be a hypocrite, I am a democrat supporting the democratic process. We know who you are, Rafael! Your tongue is a kilometer long and it looks more like a tail from the crap it excretes.”

In a Thursday radio interview, Kronfle, who is a candidate for president, acknowledge his response was “overly harsh” but said he is tired of Correa’s insults. “Here we see clearly the reason why Rafael Correa and the Citizens Revolution movement are in decline. The country is tired of the cheap shots from its most famous fugitive from justice.”


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