Government promises new security measures; Cancer center stops accepting IESS patients; Local theft, murder numbers drop; Photos of old Cuenca

Sep 16, 2023 | 0 comments

Viernes, 15/9/2023

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

De El Mercurio de jueves, 14/9 (4 articles):
Antología reúne a los fotógrafos de dos siglos (Anthology brings together photographers of two centuries) – Photographer Gabriela Parra has organized a show, a lecture series, and a book about photographs from the XX & XXI century. The exhibit in the Antigua Escuela Central was inaugurated el jueves, 14/9 and will run until el 12/10. Part of the anthology are 32 photos in the exhibit which are of the elite of Cuenca <Those folks who have streets named after them?>, landscapes of areas that weren’t yet a city, portraits from photojournalism, and studio photos. The earliest photos are from 1878/79 by Manuel de Jesús Alvarado showing the Centro Histórico and surrounding areas. Another set of photos are studio photos from the middle of the 20th century. From the 21st century are portraits, experimental photos, architecture, and people.

Solca, Cuenca’s cancer treatment hospital, has stopped taking patients referred by the Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social (IESS) due to non-payment. IESS owes the hospital about $13.5 million. (El Mercurio)

The 4 talks will be a las 10:00 in the Antigua Escuela Central. The first was el jueves and the next ones will be on el 20/9, 3/10 and 5/10. The book, which was published by the Casa Editora (Publishing House) de la U. del Azuay and the Casa Editora del Municipio de Cuenca, will be launched el 12/10.

Muestra de Pilco – A show which has pictorial works by James Pilco Luzuriaga is at the Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno (MMAM). The exhibit also tells the story of the artist and his creative process. Hours are from 9:00-16:30, lunes a viernes.

Conversatorio sobre Bolívar – There will be a guided tour and talk in the Casa Patrimonial Municipal Quinta Bolívar el 15/9 a las 11:00. The theme will be Bolivar’s visit to Cuenca on el 8/9/1822.

Concierto sinfónico – There will be a concert by the Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca featuring indigenous Ecuadorian singer and composer Mariela Condo este 22/9 a las 20:00 in the Santo Domingo church. Free.

Titular –

Compromiso por la seguridad del Azuay (Commitment to the security of Azuay) – The Ministerio del Interior, the Municipalidad de Cuenca, the Prefectura de Azuay, and ECU911 signed agreements to improve safety in Azuay. The Prefecto de Azuay signed an agreement with the Ministerio del Interior for 5 security portals which will be on the vías Tamarindo-Cuenca, Sarayunga-Pucará, Guangarcucho-Cuenca, Chaquillcay <How in the world is that pronounced?>-Gualaceo, and in Oña on the Azuay provincial limit. The Ministry will provide police for the operation of these portals and a budget for maintenance. ECU911 offered to contract for fiber optic data links for connectivity for the portals and to administer the system that recognizes license plates.

The 2nd agreement between the Ministerio and Prefectura is for 30 motorcycles at a cost of $240,000. The motos will be for patrolling rural parishes and cantons in Azuay. The 3d agreement with ECU 911 is for internal protection, citizen safety and public order, and that the security portals will be within only 1 system of control.

Another agreement was signed for the aeropolicial (air police) to start functioning in Cuenca again. It returned to Cuenca in 2022 after a 6-year absence, but the helicopter suffered damage. It should be repaired and flying again by the end of the year. Work also needs to be done at the airport for the air police to start operating. This will include enlarging the area, installing a “shower” for emergency cleanup of spills of liquids, and an administrative area which will be built after the runway improvement project scheduled for agosto 2024. In 2025, a new hanger for the police helicopter will be built.

De El Mercurio de jueves, 14/9 (1 article):
Solca dejó de recibir a pacientes del IESS (Solca has stopped receiving IESS patients) – Since a month ago, the Sociedad de Lucha Contra el Cáncer (Solca) has stopped taking patients referred by the Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social (IESS) because of the debts owed by the Social Security system. The Ministerio de Salud Pública also owes Solca. Raúl Alvarado, director of Solca, said that the two institutions owe about $13,500,000 which represents 50% of Solca’s annual budget. For a month Solca hasn’t taken patients referred by IESS and it hasn’t ruled out rejecting MSP referrals. Currently, it is treating 1,241 IESS patients and 1,678 MSP patients.

There is a written agreement with IESS, but it has not been signed, and IESS has been treating IESS patients on a verbal contract <a contract worth about as much as the paper it’s printed on> for many years. Alvarado explained that Solca needs resources to maintain equipment, and it owes about $3 million to their suppliers. Its monthly expenses include salaries for 400 employees, cleaning, electricity, water, <I bet the bill for the utilities would be an “OMG, I think I’m going to pass out” amount.> food, and more. An alternative is for those referred patients to be treated in the José Carrasco Arteaga IESS Hospital. Alvarado said it is IESS’s obligation to treat these patients, and if they are transferred, so should the funds necessary for their correct treatment. <I think the policy for private patients was they had to pay in advance. Probably too hard to collect <like getting money out of the IESS> if the patient croaked midway through treatment.>

Cuenca –

De El Mercurio de jueves, 14/9 (1 article):
Las cifras rojas del crimen (Red crime figures) – So far in 2023, there have been 42 violent deaths in Azuay compared with 37 in the same period of 2022. Ponce Enriquez canton accounts for 21 of this year’s deaths with 18 in Cuenca, 2 in Girón, and 1 in Sígsig. During the same period of 2022, Cuenca recorded 21 murders. According to National Police data, there have been reductions in the crimes of robbery of persons; of goods and auto parts and accessories; robberies from homes; car and moto thefts; and robberies on streets. <Spanish seems to have one word, robos, for both robberies and burglaries.>

Most of the theft seems to occur on the south side of the city. Other statistics are for what police have done. There have been 1,624 arrests; confiscation of 62,359.4 grams of drugs, 109 guns, and 1036 blade weapons; seizure of 355 vehicles and 1644 motos; recovery of 85 vehicles and 148 motos; 12 gangs broken up; and 30 locations shut down.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 08

Expert Warns: Ecuador May Face Extended Blackouts Without Immediate Action.

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President Noboa Highlights Need for Legislative Support in Manabí Amid Key Infrastructure Deliveries.

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Travel time between Guayaquil and Cuenca could be reduced by at least one hour with a new highway.

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