Jueves, 1712/2016: OPEC, Ecuador cut oil production, Cuy festival, Tranvía

Dec 2, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Thurs.) agenda events – chl jeanne logo

“Voces desde la tierra” (Voices from the Earth) – This exhibit by Diego Buitrón is showing at the Galería Larrazábal (San Sebastián), and was inspired by rock art. (I’m guessing that means art made from rocks since voices from the earth wouldn’t appear to be inspired by rock and roll type rock.)

Upcoming agenda events –

Taller – There will be a workshop this sábado y (and) domingo on Ilustración Natural (Técnicas de Dibujo) (Natural Illustration (Drawing Techniques)) in the Parque Pumapungo.  Register at picturatusilustracion@gmail.com or call 099 859 0186.

Fotografía – Fri. at 11:00 in the Parque Pumapungo, there will be a photography exhibit opening and book launch of “Una mirada a la biodiversidad de la Estación Científica El Gullán” (A look at the biodiversity of the El Gullán Science Station).

Festival – The “Festival de Luces 2016 (Festival of Lights 2016) will be this próximo (next) miércoles at 18:00 in Santo Domingo to honor the 83d coronation of Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Our Lady of the Rosary).

Articles about – 

Libro – “Hienas” (Hyenas) by Ernesto Arias Deidán will be launched this próximo miércoles, 7/12 at 19:00 in the Casa de la Provincia (west end of San Blas Plaza).  The book continues the saga of the Kuffo family which is set in Cuenca and includes a denounced book, a mysterious disappearance, corruption and betrayals.

“Un mundo feliz” (A happy world) – This show, performed by 80 children and teens with visual or hearing disabilities will be tomorrow (viernes) in the teatro Casa de la Cultura. The first performance at 9:00 is for students and the one at 19:00 is for the general public which is asked to contribute what they can to help cover costs.  The students are from the 4 de Enero and Audición y Lenguaje (Hearing and Speech/Language and I’m going with speech) Schools in Guayaquil.  The performance is a series of skits, singing, music, acrobatics, pantomime, juggling and dance which combine to tell a story.

Eliécer Cárdenas – This author of novels, stories, and theater works; and journalist was inducted into the Academia Ecuatoriana de la Lengua last night.

Otras cosas –  

Titular – Más casos de Sida en el Austro (More AIDS cases in the South) – 106 new HIV cases have been been diagnosed so far this year – 76 in Azuay, 16 in Morona Santiago, and 14 in Cañar. The largest percentage are young men between 20 and 39, all infected sexually.  The Clinica del VIH/SIDA (HIV/AIDS Clinic) at the IESS hospital had an open house today.  Nationally, 15,000 patients are receiving treatment.  80% of the cases are male and 95% are Ecuadorian and 5% foreigners.

Landslide – The rains caused a landslide on the road between Racar and Sinincay in the Primera Cochas or Santa Isabel area. 50 meters of road was damaged leaving one lane open.  Bus line 27 has been affected.

Tranvía – The City called a 60 day State of Emergency of Urban Mobility, now 45 days old, which allowed the City to take over the work.  Romeo Moncayo, in charge of the Executive Board of the Tranvía Project, said supply of materials is a problem since it’s produced in Quito and not being supplied as needed.  Work has been concentrated in El Centro with 28 intersections opened and 5 which should be finished by the end of the year.  The completion of the project as a whole is 81%.

Another item needed is a special cleaning vehicle because it would be impossible to keep the tracks cleaned manually. The vehicle is needed for maintenance which prolongs the life of the system.  It costs between $300,000-350,000 and budgeting is being done so it can be purchased in 2017.

Oil – OPEP (OPEC) will reduce oil production to 32.5 million barrels/day starting 1/1/2017. Ecuador will reduce its production by 4.7% or 26,000 barrels to 522,000 bb/d.  Non OPEC oil producing countries are also lowering their output by 600,000 bb/d, half of which is Russia’s reduction.

Shuar – 10 families in Nankints are fighting to recover their land. They were evicted last August for large scale mining to begin.

XI Festival del Cuy – The festival will be domingo, 4/12 in the Los Cañaris School in the Luis Cordero parish of Azogues.  (Think your Garmin will be able to find that? Mine doesn’t even have Guayaquil or Manta in its database – unless everything expired and I’m supposed to buy it again.)  It starts at 9:00.  The festival supports the producers in improving genetics and increasing production.  One family raises less than 10 cuyes, but proceeds from the sales buy the kids’ school uniforms and supplies.

Amenidades – 

Movie of the day
QTM 2D El Engaño del siglo – Sub. – Milenium Plaza – 18:35, 20:55.

Internacional – 

Colombia – The Peace Agreement is now in the Chamber of Representatives after having been approved by the Senate. One of the opponents said that Congress has no legitimacy to pass the referendum on to the voters since 90% of the Senators and 80% of the “congrestistas” (congressmen – I guess this is the lower house) were defeated on 2/10.  (Lame duck session?)

Brazil – The Lower Chamber in Brazil voted 450-1 to approve new measures against corruption.  The Poder Judicial (Judicial Branch?  Each country names it’s branches a little differently and some are bicameral and some are unicameral – it’s confusing.) is in conflict with amendments added to the package after the first vote.  One in particular about “abusos de autoridad” was denounced as a maneuver to intimidate judges.  The congressman who wrote the amendment, along with other legislators, is accused of alleged corruption.  (The criminals get to write the rules?  I guess they do – look at the US congress.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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