Jueves, 21/1/2016: 70% chance of rain, International highway needs work, Pre-historic artifacts, Julian Assange again, Symphony

Jan 22, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Concierto – “Recital de docentes” (Teachers recital) Thurs at 17:00 in the teatro “Fabián Carrasco” at the U of Cuenca on the Yanuncay campus. (Which I think is actually nearer the Tarqui.)chl jeanne logo

Música – An electronic music duo, Anthony Middleton and Luca Saporito of the project Audifly will perform Fri at 20:00 in Luminarias Turi.

Cine – “White God” (So does that mean that God is white, or it’s the God for whites – the one with his picture on a $1000 bill?) will be shown Fri at 19:00 in El Prohibido Centro Cultural (pedestrian way La Condomine in El Vado.)

Articles about –

5 new sculptures by Jorge España which are at the U of Cuenca.  3 representing students and 2 representing nuns are in the patios of the School of Economics.

Artifacts which are displayed at the Museo Universitario (the old Escuela de Medicina on Doce (12) de Abril y Solano) represent 5 periods of Ecuadorian history – Pre-ceramic, Formative, Regional Development, Integration and Inca. The exhibits include arrow and lance points, cylindrical seals, decorative plates, figures and metal jewelry including gold.  (Ladies, did the gold jewelry catch your attention?) Hours are 9-13:00 and 15-16:00.  Free admission.

“El invertido” which is showing from Thurs to Sat at 20:00 is at the Teatro de Bolsillo (Pocket theater – bolsillo – pocket – your word for the day.) del Sono (Pres. Borrero 6-83).  $5.00.

“Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil” (Civic organizations?) need to update their payroll reports to the Ministerio de Cultura y Patrimonio del Ecuador (You’ve had enough Spanish forced on you in these translations to translate that Ministry for yourself.) by 31/3 at the local office on Calle Larga y av. Huayna Cápac. (I bet it’s in the Museo Pumapungo building.)

OSC will perform Fri at 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo with Cristian Vallejo Pazos, guest conductor in the Festival of Young Latinamerican Conductors organized by the OSC.  (Sure does sound like auditions for a permanent conductor. The program includes La Gazza Ladra (The Magpie?) by Rossini, Concert No. 2 in mi bemol mayor (E flat major – for you music enthusiasts), Opus 74 for clarinet and orchestra by Carl María von Weber, and Symphony No. 2 in re mayor (D major) by Beethoven.

Otras cosas –

Titular – TBC por dinero en efectivo para obras del tranvía (Títulos del Banco Central (bank securities or bank notes?) for cash for Tranvía work.) Because the city hasn’t received transfers from the Gobierno (Government) it is thinking of offering Bank Securities to private businesses to get cash to keep construction going.  The city has about $7 million in TBC which was received from the federal government for IVA refunds. (That tells you how much the city spends on stuff they get a factura for if they get the same 50% refund.)

Se acelera la destrucción (Destruction accelerates) – on the vía Girón-Pasaje.  This is considered an international route for Cuenca to Chiclayo, Perú. The photo shows a 3′ high branch or bush with yellow peligro tape carelessly wrapped around it. A user of the road stuck it in a 60 cm deep pothole (that’s about 2′ deep – enough to cause some serious damage.) as a safety warning.

Road opening – Av. España has reopened to light vehicle traffic. Heavy trucks and buses will still follow different routes.  You can get to the airport and Terminal Terrestre from both directions now, but there’s a warning to watch out for uneven pavement. (So how is that different from usual?)

La Universidad del Adulto Mayor (Univ. for Senior Citizens) – is registering students over 50 years old.  Students need 3 photos tamaño carné (that’s about passport sized), a resume, and a color copy of your cedula.  Register at calle Estévez de Toral 9-53 y Gran Colombia.

Buses – Of the 476 buses in the fleet, 10% have some sort of problems and 3, which are out of service, need urgent refurbishing.  The useful life of a bus is 20 years, and the oldest buses have 6 years left.

Pres. Correa – is predicting that the coalition of the opposition will fall apart once they start talking about actual presidential candidates.  (I bet he’s right – I don’t think it’s in the nature of politicians from 4 or 5 parties to unite behind 1 candidate.)

Questioning Julian Assange – Canciller Ricardo Patiño called it a lack of respect that the Swedish prosecutors would send documents with cross outs by hand.  They are are the same documents that were requested last June, and stuff that no longer applied was stricken out by hand.  The Ecuadorian fiscal (Attorney General?) asked the Swedes to submit “un documento serio” (a document that can be taken seriously).  (So what do you think?  Is it disrespect, a total lack of professionalism, or their computer crashed?)

Weather – the rains have increased the flow of the rivers and tomorrow’s forecast is 70% chance of precipitation with temps. from 11-19 C.

Traffic, tranvia and police page converge – A pickup truck went through the construction fence on Las Americas near Control Sur and hit a metal enclosure for electrical components.  (Not even finished and the public is already tearing the Tranvía apart.)

Intercultural – 

Coconut – the ally of Afro-Ecuadorian cuisine.  A typical dish is encocado de pescado (fish encocado.  Your word for the day is pescado – fish on a plate. For fish who are still swimming, it’s pez.  Kind of like the distinction between beef and cow or pork and pig.)  The problem is that it’s hard to get three key spices in Cuenca – and one of them only lasts 3 days.  (Sound like a familiar problem?)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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