Lasso will ignore Yasuní oil referendum vote; Azuay’s National Assembly members unite on local priorities; Lasso signs communication law decree

Aug 24, 2023 | 0 comments

President Guillermo Lasso said Wednesday he will ignore the results of the Yasuní referendum vote and continue oil production in Block 43-ITT for the remainder of his term.

In a Wednesday morning news conference, Energy Minister Fernando Santos explained that the president disagrees with the “premise” of the referendum, saying the decision should have been made by voters living in the area near oil production facilities. “The residents of the Yasuní, living closest to the production sites voted to continue operations,” Santos said. “The question should not have been put to a nationwide vote.”

Azuay Province’s five new National Assembly members say they are united in protecting local interests.

Santos said the cessation of oil operations and the dismantling of equipment will be left to the next government, which takes office in November.

Azuay Province’s new asambleistas join forces
Although they belong to three different political parties, Azuay Province’s five newly elected National Assembly members have joined forces to protect and advocate for the interests of the province.

In a press conference Wednesday at the Mirador de Turi in Cuenca, the group said they are united in promoting and protecting the province, saying that security, decentralization of government functions and the environment will be their top priorities in the new Assembly.

The group also agrees that royalties from the three hydroelectric plants operating in southern Ecuador, including two in Azuay Province, should go directly to the parishes, municipalities and prefectures in the area. Under a new law that went into effect this year, the royalties are returned to a central fund to be redistributed to local governments.

“This is an historic moment in which the legislators of Azuay, despite our political differences, come together to support the interests of our community,” said Assemblywoman Sofia Sanchez. “We will insist that the new president respect our position.”

Azuay’s representatives in the new Assembly, which will serve for a period of 18 months, are Leonardo Berrezueta and Mabel Méndez, of the Citizen Revolution (RC) movement; Sofía Sánchez, from Construye; Diego Matovelle, of the National Democratic Action (ADN) alliance; and Adrián Castro, from the Actuemos coalition.

Lasso signs communication law decree
In the latest of his cross death decrees, President Guillermo Lasso signed an order extending “freedom of communications protections” Wednesday, saying it “filled in gaps” in the Organic Law of Communication.

“It is critical that we shield, absolutely, the right of the people to speak their mind so long as it does violate other laws,” Lasso said. “In particularly, journalists and the news media must be protected from interference from government.”

Lasso said the decree law revises communication law changes made by the National Assembly that he partially vetoed in 2022. “It also corrects what I consider essential elements to guarantee the protection of the rights of citizens in terms of freedom of expression that are included in our constitution.”

Lasso’s decree goes to the Constitutional Court for review.


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