More groups support sí on referendum, Bombing won’t affect Sunday’s vote, Cathedral tours

Jan 29, 2018 | 0 comments

Domingo, 28/1/2018

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Exhibit – “Extención, entre el confinamiento y lo manifiesto” (Extension, between confinement and the manifest) is showing in the Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno (MMAM). <I think the curators make up the artsiest names they can think of that don’t make any sense, but will intimidate museum goers. You’d think that an institution that wants to enlarge its audience would make the titles more user friendly.> The exhibit is from works in the museum’s collection and an historic context.

Articles about –

El mirador de la Catedral (The viewpoint at the Cathedral) – The cathedral offers tours of the building for $2, $3 & $5. The $2 tour is only of the rooftop terraza with its views of Parque Calderón. $3 will let you see the crypt, the chorus loft and the terrace. $5 will add the chapter house and Canonical Choir. Hours are desde 8:30-17:00, from lunes a viernes and 10-17:00 los sábados. To visit the terrace, arrive by 16:30 to allow for time to ascend and descend. Most of the visitors are foreign tourists. The cathedral was started in 1885 and finished in 1967.

Scouts – 2018 is the Jubilee year for Scouts in Cuenca. the “Siempre Scout” groupo in Cuenca is getting ready for its 50th anniversary. There will be events from febrero until diciembre. <If you’re interested, go to for the list of events.>

Ad – The German High Schools of Ecuador invite you to choral performances in Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca. The performance in Cuenca will be el jueves, 1/2 a las 19:30 in the Teatro Sucre.

Otras cosas –

Titular – “Ataque narcoterrorista” (Narco-terrorist attack) – See today’s CHL article for the story. <It’s amazing no one was killed. One of the photos shows corrugated tin roofing and concrete blocks strewn around from one house, and wooden framework lying and leaning on the rubble of a 2nd house.>

Consulta – The Minister of the Interior, César Navas, said that the referendum will continue as scheduled on 4/2 in the provinces affected by the narco-terrorist attack.

Support – The 3 political groups gave their support to Sí on the consulta popular (referendum) are Igualdad, headed by Marcelo Cabrera; Centro Democrático (CD), headed by Jaime Jairala the prefect of Guayas <Province>; and Unidad Popular (UP).

Voting simulations – The simulation for the”Voto en Casa” (Vote at Home) program was conducted el último viernes. The benficiaries of the program are disabled and elderly people. The 95 people registered in Azuay will vote on el viernes, 2/2. Have your passport or cedula ready to show the soldiers or police. 167 residents of senior citizens’ homes are part of the program in Azuay, Pichincha and Guayas. Nationally there are 756 Vote at Homers. <Is there any election district in the US that would go to all that trouble to help people to vote? You don’t even have to leave home, and a real person brings your ballot.>


As usual, if the one line summary of an article interests you, go to to read the details.

Kevin Riera – This self taught 21-year-old artist started drawing when he was 2. <That would be a 19 year long apprenticeship.>

Irma Ugalde – This travel agent started “Irma Tours, Agencia de Viajes y Operadora de Turismo” 25 years ago and has traveled extensively.

Féderico Ávila – This doctor practices acupuncture and traditional Asian medicine.

Chemistry Department – An article on the importance of the Chemistry Department at the U. of Cuenca.

Sports and Health – The article is about “entrenamiento de intervalos” (interval training).

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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