Most 911 calls are about drunks, New Cuenca tourism blog, Three bridges to get make-overs, Folkloric dance show, Fire prevention

Jul 8, 2019 | 1 comment

Lunes, 8/7/2019

Hola, Todos –
Actividades –

De la pagina cultural –

Cine – 18 short films in this festival will be shown from hoy to 10/7 a las 19:00 in the Universidad de las Artes <Oops, 77777I think it’s in Guayaquil.>.

Danza – There will be a dance performance el 16/7 a las 20:00 in the Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. The folk dance troupe, Wayrapamushkas, of the Cultural Unit of the U. of Cuenca will perform with the Vallarta Azteca troupe from México as well as the Mariachi Imperial, Ayllu Llakta and Carolina Benalcázar. Cost: libre hasta llenar aforo (free until full capacity) <Do they start charging for sitting on laps after that?>

The Cuenca ECU 911 call center.

Danza – There will be a dance performance el jueves y viernes próximos a las 19:00 in the 3d floor of the Museo de los Metales. Directed by Ernesto Ortiz, “El corazón es un órgano de fuego” (“The heart is an organ of fire”) weaves together the novel and movie, The English Patient. The seating capacity of the space is 15, groups can enter every 30 minutes. Cost: $15.00. Call 098 877 7481 for reservations.

Book launch – 5 books by researchers and winners of the Convocatorias DIUC will be presented el jueves a las 10:00 in the Auditorium at the Yanuncay Campus of the U. of Cuenca.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Los trabajos en 3 puentes claves están por definirse (The work on 3 key bridges are to be defined) – Studies for 3 bridges in Misicata, Parque Industrial, and in the UDA sector have been ready since noviembre de 2018 and construction can start whenever the city decides.

The highest priority bridge is in Misicata and connects Carmela Malo with Isauro Rodríguez. The 35 m. long, 4 lane bridge would take traffic off Las Américas and the redondel at 1 de Mayo by diverting much of the traffic to Guayaquil and Baños. The second bridge next to the U. of Azuay would connect calle Los Canarios with Francisco Estrella. It’s the longest at 70 m. with 4 lanes. It would relieve congestion <makes it sound like a cold medicine> and replace the existing bridge which constantly needs maintenance since it is in a fault zone. The 3d bridge would connect calle Paseo Río Machángara and end at av. Los Migrantes. It would be 35 m. long with 2 lanes.

Attempted murder and suicide – Police are investigating the death of a 33-year-old woman and the injury to her 6 month old son. Both had deep cuts in their necks. At the moment, police are hypothesizing that the woman cut her infant and then committed suicide. <What hopelessness and desperation leads to something like this?>

911 calls – Out of the approximately 1,600 calls to 911 in Cuenca, 1,000 of those are for removing drinkers from public spaces. The Guardia Ciudadana (Municipal Police) has 274 officers with 152 available for controls. 26 officers staff the ECU 911 center, monitoring security videos 24/7. From enero a junio, 2019, the Guardia Ciudadana also received 185 requests for the police band, and 323 requests for personnel for public events. <I wonder what bandmembers do if they’re playing and some of the guests wind up taking their drinks out to the street?>

Fire prevention campaign – The Fire Department has reactivated its fire prevention campaign to prevent forest fires such as those in previous years in the época de verano (summer time). < Sounds like summer is when the newspaper is full of fire stories (dry) and winter is when the stories are about landslides (wet). And both in one week.> Last weekend, firefighters visited the Barabón y Soldados sectors.

A Cuenca blog – La Fundación Municipal Turismo has a blog at about the museums. The first article was about the Museo de Arte Moderno with a video.

And that’s all for today so ? –



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