Police employment scam investigated; Azuay Covid infections top 10,000; Unemployment claims rise; Guayas-Azuay border dispute reexamined

Oct 21, 2020 | 0 comments

Martes, 20/10/2020

Hola, Todos –
Actividades –

Del cuerpo del periodico –

EMAC lanza concurso de balcones floridos (EMAC launches flowered balcony contest) – The Empresa Municipal de Aseo de Cuenca (EMAC) is launching the ‘Balcones Floridos’ contest which will start el 23/10 with registrations until 8/11 at balconesfloridos@emac.gob.ec. Plants typical of Cuenca are grown in the Yanaturo greenhouse as part of this contest and are available in the San Francisco, Nueve de Octubre, El Farol, María Auxiliadora, El Vergel, y San Blas plazas.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Proyecto para el trabajo temporal (Project for temporary work) – The Government has prepared 4 new types of contracts in the hope of increasing employment. They are temporary, at least 40 hours per week, and for a salary according to the hours worked. The contracts are focused on entrepreneurs in the productive and tourism sectors. This follows the Acuerdo Ministerial 136 on 30/7 which allowed labor contracts for a project or a pre-determined service in the construction sector and for State strategic projects. According to the Labor Minister, Andrés Isch, this created 10,000 new jobs in the formal labor market in just a few weeks, another 72,000 jobs saved by the Ley Humanitaria and 170,000 new jobs in all. The 4 new types of contracts would be in the productive sector, tourism, entrepreneurship and contracts for youth.

Covid-19 infections have reached 10,000 in Azuay Province and are approaching 8,000 in Cuenca.

Solicitudes de seguro de desempleo, crecen (Unemployment insurance applications grow) – In the year to year period from marzo a septiembre, applications for seguro de desempleo grew from 297 to 1,660 in Azuay. The IESS paid out $1.3 million this year compared to $320,250 last year. The Cámaras de Producción and the City calculated that at least 20,000 workers lost their jobs. Along with the unemployment insurance applications, severence payment requests also grew. These requests grew from 4,854 to 6,882 year to year and represented a $3.4 million increase in payments. Voluntary IESS affiliations also increased since people did not want to lose medical coverage.

To get unemployment insurance, you need to show a minimum of 24 contributions, the last 6 consecutive. The worker needs to have completed 2 months of being unemployed and apply within 45 days after the 61st day of leaving their job. Unemployment does not apply to people who have voluntarily quit, individual affiliates (self employed?), retired people, members of the Seguro Social Campesino, and unpaid household workers <like housewives?>. The benefit is $280/mo. for 5 months or that fixed amount plus severence pay which would depend on the amount the affiliate has accumulated.

Campañas por Día contra cáncer de mama (Campaigns for Breast Cancer Day) – The Vicente Corral Moscoso hospital and Municipal hospitals commemorated Breast Cancer Day with a call to patients to not abandon their treatments for fear of Covid. Activities included talks on recognizing signs of breast cancer. Dr. Diego Alvarado said the hospital provides preventive attention through mammograms which can be scheduled by calling 171. There is also a prevention campaign through the networks of Farmasol and Medisol which are puntos de atención (points of attention).

Azuay alcanza los 10,000 contagios del coronavirus (Azuay reaches 10,000 coronavirus infections) – This weeks statistics from the Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP) showed 10,001 cases of Covid in Azuay and 7,952 in Cuenca. 70% of patients have recovered, 344 died, and there are 135 in hospitals in the province with 63 who are in ICU beds. The MSP reminded people of the need to wear masks, social distance, and wash their hands.

Sobre la promoción electoral capacitan (Training on electoral promotion) – The CNE delegation in Azuay started training communications media about election advertising for the general elections in 2021. Training for TV stations will be el próximo jueves, followed by print media, digital media, and ending with billboards. <Can anyone tell me why Lasso is already running digital media ads? Are they legal? I’ve already seen 2 on English language sites.> Only media outlets that are accredited by the CNE will receive guidelines for election advertising with the accreditation period from 16/10 to 13/11. Azuay has the right to $13,329.74 from CNE for each slate of candidates for provincial assemblies (5). Candidates can also spend $185,521.80 of their own money or money gained through transparent sources which need to be justified by the CNE.

Fiscalía indaga estafa masiva (Prosecutor investigates massive scam) – The Fiscalía del Azuay is investigating an alleged massive scam in which more than 10 people from Machala were defrauded by an active member of the police who promised them jobs as Agentes Civiles de Tránsito. The scammer took advantage of the trust and naivety of the victims who apparently didn’t think why a police officer would be providing training and jobs in EMOV which are two different organizations. <In fact, do you know the difference between the various police forces here? Or could you also have been a victim if you had wanted to be a traffic cop?>

Prefecta retoma el lío limítrofe Azuay-Guayas (Prefect readdresses the Azuay-Guayas border mess) – Cecilia Méndez, prefectura of Azuay, announced that she will declare Molleturo as a “prioritized” zone in the Cámara Provincial. This action is one of those undertaken after a contract for a legal assessment to revise the agreement on the border between Azuay and Guayas that was signed in 2015. Ex-prefects Paúl Carrasco (Azuay) and Jimmy Jairala (Guayas) signed an agreement that divided an area of 608 sq. km. which put 24 communities occupying about 290 sq. km. in Guayas and 18 communities in an area of 310 sq. km. in Azuay. Only one community, Abdón Calderón, in Molleturo was left unassigned. It should have been decided with a referendum. Mendéz said that in the friendly agreement, Azuay lost 608 sq. km. of the richest agricultural land in the province. She criticized the legal contract signed by Yaku Pérez only a few days before he renounced his office and said that the agreement was not part of the national law.

The last technical secretary of the Comité Nacional de Límites said that ex-Pres. Correa put a limit of 2017 to resolve the problem of borders in the country. He cited an executive decree that approved the agreement between Azuay and Guayas, and that the agreement was ratified by the Asamblea Nacional, making it untouchable. <So is Mendéz trying to rekindle this border war? If you were here then, you might remember stories that involved armed (mostly of the pitchfork and hoe variety although I think I remember a backhoe in there somewhere) conflicts between residents in Molleturo.>

Guayaquil-Daule con nuevo puente (A new bridge for Guayaquil-Daule) – A new 2.63 km. bridge from km. 1.6 of the av. Narcisa de Jesús in Guayaquil to el 14 de la av. León Febres Cordero in the La Joya development in Daule was inaugurated yesterday. The bridge will serve 150,000 inhabitants and have a capacity for 21,000 vehicles per day. The bridge has 2 lanes in each direction, a bike lane, and 2 pedestrian lanes.

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper. The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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