Police make arrests, seize drugs and equipment under new emergency; Underpass planned for Miraflores; Sinincay promotes gastronomic diversity

Aug 1, 2023 | 0 comments

Lunes, 31/7/2023

Hola, Todos –

Titular –

Un paso deprimido se proyecta en Miraflores (New underpass planned for Miraflores) – The City is planning a new underpass for av. De Las Américas at the redondel with av. Turuhuayco in 2024. This project was conceived as a complement to the underpass at the Los Choferes gas station. It is currently being revised to present to the Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina (CAF) for financing. Of the over $45 million loan from CAF, $14 will be invested in the new underpass. The loan will also be used to build 3 hospitals, a stadium in Cazhapata, a technical center, and a mercado in Baños. <Being accustomed to prices in the US, $14 million seems like not nearly enough for a 1200 m. long underpass. Maybe enough for a pedestrian bridge.>

Three Italian chefs plan to train residents of Sinincay, north of Cuenca, in techniques and practices that will promote culinary diversity that mixes local and foreign flavors.

Three Italian chefs plan to train residents of Sinincay, north of Cuenca, in techniques and practices that will promote culinary diversity that mixes local and foreign flavors.

It is expected the funds for the underpass will be awarded in late 2023 with construction starting in the second half of 2024. The interchange will include pedestrian and bicycle lanes and keep the connection from av. Turuhuayco to calle Barrial Blanco with overpasses. Contingency plans for alternate routes are also included. The complete project will be presented to the public in 3 weeks ir the publicity and public information phase.

Sucesos –

Policía decomisa seis toneladas de alcaloide (Police seize six tons of alkaloids) – During the 1st week of the state of emergency in the provinces of Esmeraldas, Manabí, and Los Ríos, and in Durán canton, the Policía Nacional arrested over 150 people and seized more than 6 tons of alkaloids. In ‘Operación Trueno (Thunder) 8,’ police apprehended 6 people who were contaminating containers in the Brisas de Santay development in Durán. They collected 3 drones, each capable of carrying a 30# load, un fusil (rifle – your word for the day), 3 motors, and more as evidence.

“Operación Trueno 15,” was carried out simultaneously in Pascuales and Esmeraldas. Almost 1 ton of alkaloid was seized and 14 people were arrested including 4 gendarmes in the Ecuadorian Navy who were transporting the drugs in a Navy vehicle. “Operación Tormes” was carried out in the ports in Guayaquil with the Unidad Adiestramiento Canino (Canine Training Unit) seizing 4.3 tons from a container bound for Germany. <I bet the dogs did all the heavy lifting there.> The last operation, “Operación Saturno” was in the city of Guayaquil during which 4 people were arrested and 23 packages containing 1,300 brick type packets were seized. So far this year, the Policía Nacional has arrested 6,975 people for drug trafficking and seized more than 122 tons of drugs, the equivalent of 1.2 billion doses. During the same period of 2022, 114 tons were seized. The value of the seized drugs to the drug cartels was $2.5 billion. The controls will be maintained this week in different zones of the country which are considered conflict zones. <Aren’t you glad Cuenca isn’t una zona conflictiva? At least not yet?>

Region –

Sinincay ofrece una mezcle de sabores locales y extranjeros (Sinincay offers a mix of local and foreign flavors) – The rural parish of Sinincay has a new gastronomic proposal with a contrast in customs, history, culture, friendly people, and unique scenery. Three months ago, the restaurant ‘Quo Vadis Gourmet Italia’ opened. It’s 3 chef owners grew up in Italy with crops such as tomato, lettuce, potato, corn, garlic and parsley. They intend to train people of Sinincay in techniques and practices that will promote culinary diversity with the mix of local and foreign flavors <I hope something more highly seasoned than seco de pollo.>. 30 producers and entrepreneurs have joined in this touristic proposal for Sinincay.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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