
‘Sandwich Angel’ Sally Dudar, who has brightened the lives of hundreds, needs your support

Oct 3, 2024 | 0 comments

By Michael Miner

Sally and Peter Dudar in El Centro

This is a call for spiritual support, whatever that means to you. Say a prayer, do a dance, ask Gaia for a special favor, get out the palo santo and your singing bowl. The time is now. Make the effort.

Sally Dudar is experiencing increasing health problems she has fought for years. Most people know the Sandwich Angel who found hungry people huddled in the street and decided to make a difference, the Angel who refused to stop and has made a difference every single day since that time, about five years since the draconian COVID lockdowns forced migrants and many local families into the street with nothing but locked doors, no place to go and nothing to eat.

Watch the Youtube video..

They got something to eat everyday rain or shine. They got a sandwich, Peter’s famous Potassium Pistola (banana), candy and special toys for the kids, food for their pets … They also found a smile and a kind word from a stranger, a bright spot in the midst of a brutal struggle. They found something to look forward to, a small reason to have hope that things might get better. For people with very little, a small gesture can make a huge difference.

Sally in her modelling days

Five years after the lockdowns and related damage to the economy, the numbers of needy street people have increased. Peter and Sally have become a movement with many committed gringos (I am one) helping to make and deliver around 2,000 meals per month to people who will get little else to eat. During that time, the demographics of needy people in the street has changed dramatically. There are many more families with small children from impoverished areas on the coast, locals who can no longer support themselves, many out-of-workers with little luck finding day jobs, crippled with few options, migrants removed from other countries and dumped in Cuenca. They all get a sandwich and a smile, everyone, every day.

Sally Dudar went from a jet set supermodel who graced every fashion magazine in the world for many years to a Cuenca Sandwich Angel who makes a difference in hundreds of lives every day. How she did that is the subject for another article, but it is impossible to deny that this person is indeed special, a rare gift to the world that should be celebrated, treasured and supported.

Some of kids Sally and Peter have supported.

There are angels among us and even fewer among us who recognize them and understand their contributions in a world that can be totally ruthless. Their priorities are often the opposite of the values taught by our society; they are different. “Whoever is the least among you is the greatest.”

I have to give thanks that people like Sally Dudar grace my world.

It is time to raise up those among us who serve the least among us.


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