Sangay volcano eruption diverts flights, covers large area in ash and makes ‘strange noises’

Jul 12, 2024 | 0 comments

The Sangay volcano, midway between Quito and Cuenca, is sending a large plume of ash over five provinces, rerouting airline flights between Guayaquil and Quito and Cuenca and Quito.

Ash from the eruption of the Sangay volcano, located midway between Quito and Cuenca, has prompted the rerouting of airline flights since Tuesday.

Beginning Tuesday, residents west of the volcano, as far away as Guayaquil, reported hearing what the Geophysical Institute described as “strange noises.”

On Thursday, the Agricultural Ministry issued a warning to farmers due to ashfall in of Chimborazo, Bolívar, Los Ríos, Manabi and Guayas Provinces. The ministry said the ashfall, which it describes as light to moderate, posed a threat to livestock and crops.

In areas of Los Rios and Guayas Provinces, farms with irrigation systems were watering tobacco and sugar cane crops to wash away the ash.

According to the Geophysical Institute, the 5,230-meter high (17,300-foot) Sangay has been in an eruptive stage since 1628 but, due its isolated location, has had limited impact on human communities. On a number of occasions since 2000, volcanic ash and gases have killed livestock and destroyed crops. Lahars and lava flows have also affected nearby rivers and streams, sometimes leading to flooding.

Flights between Guayaquil and Quito have been rerouted over the Pacific Ocean to avoid ash plumes that can damage jet engines, in some cases doubling the 35-minute flight time. Cuenca-to-Quito flights are taking a more easterly route around the volcano, adding about 10 minutes to flights.

The noise residents report to the west of Sangay are the result of explosion within the volcano crater, the Geophysical Institute says. “These rumbles and bellows will continue throughout the eruptive event,” the agency says.


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