Why do Cuencanos live better at higher altitude?; Yellow fever vaccines available; Cultural agenda

Nov 18, 2023 | 0 comments

Viernes, 17/11/2023

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Agenda Cultural –

18/11 a las 9:00 – Encuentro: Festival y concurso de guitarra (Meeting, Festival and Guitar Competition) – Antigua Escuela Central.
19/11 a las 10:00 – Encuentro: Festival Intercultural – Ciudadela Álvarez.
20/11 a las 9:00 – Exposición: Ceramics and pottery exhibit – Casa del Alfarero.
21/11 a las 17:00 – Training: Workshop in cultural management – Quinta Bolívar.

De El Mercurio del jueves, 16/11 (1 article):
Inscripciones para cursillos (Registration for workshops) – The Artes Musicales Department of the U. of Cuenca along with the El Vergel parish is organizing workshops in singing, piano, guitar and percussion for all ages. Thy will start el lunes, 20/11 and are free, but spaces are limited. If interested contact the University of Cuenca music department.

Titular –

Doble empate tricolor (Tricolor double tie) – <Sports – you’re on your own.>

Cuenca –

Dr. Julio César Sempértequi Vega, a doctor in laboratory medicine, explains some of the health benefits of those who live at higher altitudes, such as the residents of Azuay Province. (El Mercurio)

De El Mercurio del jueves, 16/11 (1 article):
“Rasgo biológico azuayo es único” (“Azuayan biological trait is unique”) – Dr. Julio César Sempértequi Vega, a doctor in laboratory medicine, researcher and professor, was interviewed about biological characteristics of Azuayans. <Another article that may be badly translated since I don’t understand a lot of the medical stuff in addition to my usual deficiency in coloquial spoken Spanish.> He answered that there are a few modifications at the level of blood plasma. These biochemical modifications are so that, at this altitude, Azuayans don’t need to take more breaths, have a larger thorax, or have a deficiency of oxygen.

The cells become more acidic, the PH is lower at a cellular level. This allows the mitochondria to transform everything that forms lactic acid, CO2 to transform it into carbonic acid, into bicarbonate, elements that allow us to have an oxygenation almost to that at sea level. This modification, which is found at the level of red blood cells, allows us to know how the metabolism of the rest of the biological components is.

He was also asked if the life a Cuencano has is better than those who do not live at altitude. He answered yes, and not because of higher levels of oxygen at sea level or athletes needing more oxygen at altitude. That is not so important. What is important is that at altitude, muscles and electrolytes need smaller quantities of oxygen. Therefore, the mechanism of adaptation and compensation is that muscles change to demand less oxygen. This is why as the altitude increases, cramps and other problems appear in people who have not adapted to the height. But by coming up to heights or living here, muscles and cells get accustomed to demanding less oxygen. He said with the quantity of oxygen Cuenca has, if the air is clean, a better life is possible.

Another benefit of living at higher elevations is the reduced exposure to some diseases. Since disease-carrying mosquitos cannot live above 1,600 meters (5,250 feet), there is no risk of contracting such diseases as malaria, dengue and zika. Many other pathogens are also restricted by altitude.

Nacional –

Llegan dosis contra fiebre amarilla (Doses against yellow fever arrive) – Health Minister José Ruales, and consul in charge of Economic Affairs of the Republic of Korea Embassy Ilwoong Yoon, signed an agreement for 290,000 yellow fever vaccines and 240,000 syringes. The vaccines, financed by the Korean government for $492,992, will be used in the tropical and Amazon zones where the risk of contracting yellow fever is the greatest.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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