Director of Cuenca charity needs your support!

Jun 18, 2024 | 0 comments

By Mary Johnston

My name is Mary. I am pleading for your help to save the life of my friend. The photo is of my beautiful friend (inside and out) Maria Jose and her daughter, my goddaughter, Amelia.

Maria Jose, we call her Majo, is the director of an amazing charity, Hearts of Gold, in Cuenca. Hearts provide support, funding and general help to underprivileged women and children with work, education, health and wellness. They do many, many good works and Majo is key. You can look it up at:

Maria Jose and her daughter Amelia

Majo was told on Friday the 14th of June that she has a massive brain aneurysm that will require open brain surgery. They cannot do the catheter procedure as the aneurysm is just too big and the procedure too dangerous. She also cannot have the surgery at the local state hospital as it is far too technical and extremely risky. She needs a specialist surgeon.

Majo is only 38 years old and she has her beautiful daughter Amelia, who is 3, to raise. Without the surgery she has a very short life expectancy. Being the head of a charity, and being in Ecuador, Maria Jose does not earn much money, and just the surgery will cost at least $12,000. On top of that, there will be the extra costs of medication, outpatient care and other eventualities. And, potentially rehab and physiotherapy as well.

Please help us save the life of this beautiful young woman… an amazing, loving and devoted mother, the most caring and wonderful friend, and the director of a much-needed charity. We cannot begin to tell you all the wonderful things about Majo, but we love her. Our lives have been enriched by her friendship. She never ever puts herself first. She is always caring for others, please, help us care for her.

To help Maria Jose, please click here. Any and all donations, no matter how small, make a huge difference.


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