Jan Topić blames politics for failure to combat crime, says Noboa and Assembly are focused on election

Jun 11, 2024 | 0 comments

By Liam Higgins

Although he insists he is not a candidate for president, Jan Topić is certainly sounding like one. In a series of interviews and social media posts, the 40-year-old Guayaquil businessman is lashing out at both President Daniel Noboa and the National Assembly for putting “political self-interest” above that of the country.

Jan Topić

“What angers me the most is the ephemeral nature of the anger and indignation toward violence shown by the government and Assembly,” says Topić, who was a presidential candidate in the 2023 cross death election. “Those in power don’t seem to feel the pain of the people and worse, they prefer to politicize events instead of working together to find solutions.”

He adds: “The president, unfortunately, appears content to coast into the election with campaign on TikTok and other platforms, promoting fake news more than he does the truth. Many in the Assembly seem to be mostly concerned that they personally or the party they represent, are implicated in corruption and connections to criminal gangs.”

In a Monday radio interview, Topić talked about the need to “transform” the city of Durán, which has become a center of criminal gang activity. “This is not only about confronting the violence, it’s about restoring the health of an essential business and transportation hub for Ecuador. What is happening here, not only affects the residents but is a drag of the economy of the entire country.”

Topić claims that Noboa gives “lip service” to improving education and employment opportunities but has failed to follow through with any proposals. “We cannot ignore the fact that most gang members are teenagers and do not bother to ask why. It is true we must get violent people off the streets, but we must also improve the education system and employment outlook so young people have other options. Today, in Durán, Guayaquil, Manta and other cities, they have no options.”

Some political analysts question Topić’s claim that he will not be a presidential candidate. “His public announcement may have had more to do with rejecting the Social Christians as the party he wants to be associated with,” says radio host and political commentator Fabricio Bentancourt. “Like the Citizens Revolution, the Social Christians have become associated with corruption and ties to criminal elements. Very possibly, he decided that this connection would not help him in a presidential race. I would not be surprised to see him change his mind and enter the race later, associated with another political movement.”

According to Bentancourt, Topić is emphasizing his foreign experience and suggesting Ecuador look outside of “failed” domestic solutions. “He is broadcasting the fact he has joint Ecuadorian-French citizenship and that he was educated in the United States. He wants to separate himself from the Ecuadorian political establishment.”

Adds Bentancourt: “Within the past week, Topić certainly sounds like a candidate.


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