Rain is forecast; ‘Red Alert’ for drought issued in 15 provinces; No changes in Cuenca airport schedule; National Assembly wants Maduro arrested

Sep 20, 2024 | 0 comments

Ecuador’s Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Inamhi) is predicting increasing rainfall during the last days of September and early October. On Thursday, Inamhi said rain would fall first in the Amazon region before moving into the sierra.

Meteorologists said it is too early to estimate the amount of rainfall but said humidity levels and cloud cover are increasing in the Amazon and western areas of the intermountain valley, “signaling a change in weather patterns.” In a bulletin, Inamhi said the change is consistent with the weather phenomenon known as the Cordonazo de San Francisco. “Historically, this leads to moderate to heavy rainfall in the month of October, and occasionally to flooding. The pattern breaks down in late October, with November and December returning to dry conditions.”

The management of Cuenca’s Mariscal La Mar Airport says electric blackouts will not affect flight schedules. (El Mercurio)

In its bulletin, Inamhi said that based on “hydrological parameters,” the current drought is Ecuador’s worst in 44 years.

Cuenca and the surrounding area experienced light rainfall Thursday morning, described by Inamhi as a “heavy mist” amounting to less than one millimeter.

No changes in Cuenca airport schedules
Cuenca’s Marsical La Mar Airport will operate normally despite nighttime electric blackouts, airport management said Wednesday. “We expect no changes to air traffic schedules or to service to the flying public,” airport director José Luis Aguilar said. “Our facilities have back-up electric generators, if these become necessary, and we also maintain an underground water reservoir.”

Due to the blackouts, he recommended that air passengers arrive earlier than usual before their flights.

Aguilar added that based on the government’s blackout schedule, he does not anticipate the need for the generators. “Airports have a strategic designation, which means we will have power during blackout periods,” he said. “The generators are available, however, if they are needed.”

‘Red alert’ issued for 15 provinces
The national Emergency Operations Committee has issued a red alert for 15 provinces due water deficits and fire danger. The declaration will provide additional funding and other resources to local governments in the designated provinces. Newly named Environment Minister Inés Manzano will coordinate the assistance, the COE said.

Among the provinces included in the alert are Azuay, Loja, Carchi, Pichincha, Cañar, Bolívar and Zamora Chinchipe.

Assembly wants Maduro arrested
Ecuador’s National Assembly is urging President Daniel Noboa to order an arrest warrant for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. The initiative, which labels Maduro a “dictator who violated the human rights of Venezuelans,” passed by a 79 to 50 vote, is expected to be signed by the president.

Ecuador joins several other Latin American countries, as well as the Spanish Congress, in approving similar measures against Maduro. If a warrant is issued, it would mean Maduro would be arrested if he enters Ecuadorian territory.


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