Rules violations mean more Covid cases, Bicycle and motorcycle use increases, Yaku wants mine concessions ended, Notaries return to work

Apr 24, 2020 | 17 comments

Jueves, 23/3/2020

Hola, Todos –
The spider wishes you a happy Un-April Fool’s Day.

Actividades –

De la pagina cultural –

Día del Libro – Book Day was celebrated by the Casa de la Cultura today with a reading of Camus’ “La Peste” (The Plague) that started at 9:00 on Zoom and Facebook Live. <A subject too close for comfort.>

Otras cosas –

Titular – Crecen contagios en Cuenca (Contagions grow in Cuenca) – The number of cases is growing in Cuenca, possibly because people aren’t abiding by the restriction measures. At least 8 health workers in the “Vicente Corral Moscoso” hospital, 2 fire fighters, and 2 soldiers have contracted the virus. José, a doctor, intubated 2 virus patients, and got tested afterwards. He tested negative the first time and positive after the 2nd patient. He went into home quarantine, and his family moved in with other family members to lessen their exposure. He said that front line medical personnel work to save lives and there is no pay worth what they are doing and risking because they are doing it from their hearts.

Police patrols have increased to stop unauthorized movement in Cuenca. (El Tiempo)

Statistics – 250 cases in Cuenca with 10 critical patients in Cuenca hospitals and 28 deaths. 285 cases in Azuay with 250 in Cuenca and 35 in another 9 cantons. 473 cases in Zone 6 with 164 in Cañar and 31 in Morona Santiago.

Notarías back at work – Notaries are returning to work with a schedule of 6 notaries per week depending on where their offices are and client demand. If you need a notary, call or text to make an appointment. Office hours are from 7-12:00. <What’s important enough that you have to get it notarized? I’m not being snarky – I’m curious.>

Increase in bicycle and motorcycle use – Use of alternate transportation including bicis, motos, monowheels, skates, longboards, gyroscooters, roller skates, tablas de equilibrios (balance boards?), Segways and scooters. Bike use has increased between 30-40%. Currently bike users are 77% men, and 23% women. People are riding more because fewer cars give them a feeling of greater security. <That’s just a feeling – drivers are as crazy as ever, just spaced further apart.> A pulmonologist recommended beefing up protective measures including masks, eye and face protection, and gloves since riders are exposing their respiratory systems and eyes to the wind. Use of motorcycles, which have become one the main alternatives for distribution of products, has also gone up, especially since those with permits can make deliveries after 2 pm.

Repatriation flights – LATAM has made 150 special flights to repatriate 20,000 people, including 14 to and from Ecuador and 4 more to and from the Galápagos. These flights to and from Germany, Canada, Chile, UK, and the US were coordinated with the respective embassies. Over the weekend, LATAM Ecuador made a special flight covering Miami-Quito-Miami, transporting 284 passengers. People returning to Ecuador from overseas need to complete a quarantine period before returning to their homes. <So now you’re in Quito – how do you get back to Cuenca or Loja or Paute?>

Alcalde de Gualaceo – Gustavo Vera, the mayor of Gualaceo was discharged from the hospital ayer after a 23 day fight against the disease. He had contact with 2 traffic agents who were the first cases in the city. The cops were discharged el lunes anterior.

Anomalies in mining concessions – The plan for a systematic audit by the Contraloría General del Estado (CGE <Bureaucracies do love their alphabet soup don’t they.>) which has lasted almost un año, has showed various irregularities. Pablo Celi, the Comptroller General, said one of the special investigations had to do with the Llurimagua project in Imbabura and the Kimsacocha and Río Blanco projects in Azuay. The CGE found non-compliance with environmental regulations and with prior consultation with the communities impacted the projects. <That’s no secret – adjacent communities have been complaining about lack of consultation since the beginning.>

Yaku Pérez, Prefect of Azuay, called on the comptroller to declare an expiration of the mining concessions and environmental permits, and if applicable, issue a predetermination of civil and criminal responsibilities to be investigated by the Prosecutor’s Office. He pointed out that those responsible for approving these concessions included ex-Pres. Rafael Correa, ex-VP Jorge Glas, ex-Environmental Minister Marcela Aguiñaga who is currently a Revolución Ciudadana assembly person, and ex-AG Galo Chiriboga.

Other projects were audited including Fruta del Norte (Lundin Gold which stopped operations due to the health emergency), Cóndor Mirador (Ecuacorriente), Loma Larga (INV Minerales del Ecuador), and San Carlos Panantza (Explocobres). These results come in the middle of the Government’s intention to promote mining activities and attract investors.

Azota la delincuencia (Whipping delinquency) – <Frontier justice with video> Residents of communities are keeping alert for possible criminal activity. They blow whistles, activate sirens, communicate through chat groups and go as far as going into the street with sticks and rocks to catch suspects. <Seems like boredom expresses itself in different ways.> Some sectors block roads and have installed improvised control points with branches or chains across roads to block fleeing vehicles. Videos are showing up on social networks showing presumed captures of presumed delinquents. The past noche de martes, residents burned two motos in Molleturo. They found the motos in some bushes. Later the owners showed up and said they were staying with family, intending to go fishing, and put the motos in the bushes to keep them from being burned. <Could they have put a big sign on the motos saying, “Me fui a pescar.” (Gone fishing.)>

Mundialito de los Pobre – The Amistad Club, which organizes this annual interbarrial competition, announced it will not hold the tournament this year.

Descuentos y compras –

El Mercurio – subscribe for home delivery for $13.50/month – email, or call 099 126 5266, 098, 952 5322 or 411 1786, ext. 213. <The number of classified ads in the last few issues is 9. There used to be 3 or 4 pages of want ads. How can the paper survive, and if it doesn’t, how will you get your news?>

And that´s all for today so Hasta ? –



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