
Although April rainfall in Cuenca is running well above normal, the city is being spared the devastation seen in northern parts of the country. Severe flooding in Quito has wreaked havoc on the city´s major streets and highways, destroying dozens of cars and buses, while landslides have killed six in the Otavalo and Cotacachi area. Even worse...
My first night in Cuenca, I attended an event at the Cuenca Chamber of Commerce launching its Cuenca for Expats program. I ponied up $100 to join the Chamber, buying access to the members-only content at and invitations to Chamber functions. (For that story, click here.) However, membership in the Chamber also includes exclusive...
Although the low cost of health care in Cuenca has long been a draw for foreigners relocating to the city, it is beginning to catch the interest of international medical tourism companies. Alex McClellan, a former U.S. hospital administrator, says he expects to see increasing numbers of foreigners take advantage of Ecuador´s low medical costs....
After Ecuador and the U.S. dismissed each others’ ambassadors last week, the future of diplomatic relations between the two countries remains strained although both sides say they already working on reconciliation. The U.S. State Department says that Ecuador has been a strong partner in efforts to stem the flow of drugs from South America to...
Diego Rivas has been gored in the shoulder, knocked to the dirt and trampled by snorting bulls. But the 29-year-old Ambato native has always dusted himself off, picked up his red cape and gone back to the only job he knows: being a matador. Now Ecuador´s voters may put him on the unemployment line. On May 7,...
Besides its UNESCO designation as a World Heritage City, Cuenca also bears the distinction of being a “Healthy City.” According to the Pan American Health Organization, which bestowed the health honor, Cuenca´s policies to provide medical services to its population, to protect its drinking water and to improve the environment distinguish it among Latin American cities....
[Editor’s Note: On April 6, Cuenca High Life published an article by Lee Dubs, proprietor of the English-language Carolina Bookstore and long-time Cuencano, in which he classified expats to Ecuador from a long-timer’s perspective; Lee and his wife Carol have lived here for eight years, though Lee’s roots to the area extend back to a stint...
By Dr. Lee Dubs Fact: North Americans are currently migrating in large numbers to Ecuador, and especially Azuay Province, where Cuenca is located. First Question: Why? Second Question: Who are these people?  Not everyone has the same motives, of course, but the principle reason for the migration in most cases tends to relate to the economy “up...
To date, the Cuenca Expatriate Benevolent Association (CEBA) has raised $650 through the inaugural session of Gringo Bingo, various “passing-the-hat” opportunities, and blog posts. This amount will be matched by a donor who has asked to remain anonymous; the donor has pledged to match dollar for dollar all money raised up to $2,000. Thus, the...
April 1 isn't April Fools Day in Cuenca. Rather, it's the launch day of several weeks of parades, art shows, concerts, fiestas, and the kind of partying that goes on in a city that's celebrating its founding a mere 454 years ago (in 1557, partly on an existing Inca settlement).   This particular parade began at Plaza San Blas on the...
Tourism in Cuenca and the rest of Ecuador will benefit from a new owner and an alliance of AirCuenca with DAE, the Caribbean airline, according to tourist officials. Arnold B. Leonora, who recently acquired a majority stake in AirCuenca announced the alliance with DAE last week and said it will open routes to 10 Caribbean destinations...
I've never seen anything like it. At least not without a coupon or a comp or a cook in my own kitchen. El Nuevo Paraiso comes about as close as you can get to a free lunch.   I met Jim Rathjen there who, chatting (or more like shouting over the max-volume TV and the...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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