
Ever wondered about the story behind those large, adhesive “Clausurado” signs plastered on the doors of closed-down businesses?  Most of us know they’re the result of a business failing to pay taxes or violating other government regulations. Few of us know much more. The signs are the work of Ecuador’s Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and...
Since I moved to Ecuador a dozen years ago, I’ve made a point of visiting my friends in Vilcabamba at least once a year. I was enchanted with this peaceful, isolated valley the first time I saw it in 1998 and even considered settling there until business considerations – I need to be close to...
Lessons in how the world works and portraits of the never-ending struggles in places around the globe where power is challenged by populist resistance: such matters are a concern of the Human Rights Watch International Film Festival, which this year celebrates its 20th anniversary. Rarely have such conflicts been examined with the depth and power...
Sunday’s national parliamentary election means sales of alcoholic beverages, either in bars and restaurants or, in stores, are suspended from noon on Friday, June 12, until after polls close on Sunday, June 14. The idea behind the dry period, as defined in Article 140 of Ecuador’s election law, is that citizens will make better decisions...
World Trade Organization members agreed on Thursday to allow Ecuador to impose temporary import restrictions because of balance of payments problems. The move was hailed by rich and developing countries as proof that the rules-based trading system umpired by the WTO was working well despite the economic crisis, and that WTO members could tackle the...
Although Cuenca is generally considered the most progressive Ecuadorian city for respecting gay rights, this has not always been the case. The catalyst, many say, was the mass detention of more than a hundred homosexuals in September, 1997. The arrests sparked a quick response from the gay and lesbian community who were backed by many...
If you’re considering starting a business in Cuenca, or anywhere else in Ecuador, and need an overview of the business climate, there’s a new website that can help. InfoEmpreses,, a service of the office of Ecuador’s Superintendency of Companies provides information about corporate sales and assets and much more. The information is consolidated and does...
If the political demonstrations in downtown Cuenca have disturbed your walking or driving routes in recent weeks, you  have President Rafeal Correa to thank. The administration has angered some of the countries largest labor unions, whose members are taking to the streets to protest. Although the demonstrations are peaceful, they have forced the police to...
Through the first four months of 2009, real estate construction and sales continue to be a strong point of Cuenca’s economy. During that period, more than 250 building projects were permitted in the city’s central area and thousands of sales were recorded.  Xavier Sanchez, president of the Azuay Real Estate Brokers Association believes construction will...
U.S. citizens living in Ecuador are invited to an informal meeting with the U.S. Consul General, Friday, May 29, 11 a.m., at the Abraham Lincoln Culture Center, 5 – 18 Calle Borrero. Consul General Douglas Griffiths will present information about U.S. Embassy and Consulate services to U.S. citizens and to answer questions from the audience....
Cuenca’s taxi cooperatives and the city government continue to squabble over new inspection rules and the over-charging of customers. Although the Taxi Transport Cooperative Union has agreed to comply with the city’s new vehicle inspection rules, the United Front of Taxi Drivers says it has reservations and is refusing to talk to city officials. Both coops...
The University of Cuenca has asked the cantonal council for permission to build a bar or coffee shop next to the Casa de los Arcos on the Tomebamba River. The university owns the renovated Arcos and says the new addition will bring more people to the Barranco area across from the university. A spokesperson for the university also said...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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