
By Tim Vickery It looked a long shot a year ago after the team's disastrous start to the current campaign: losing at home to Venezuela followed by crushing defeats at Brazil and Paraguay, after which coach Luis Fernando Suárez stepped down. Almost a year later, the picture is much brighter. First-place Paraguay aside, everyone is...
Despite rumors to the contrary, the laws and major policies of the Ecuadorian immigration office relating to foreigners have not changed, according to an immigration expert. "Rules and interpretations change day to day and from one director to the next, but this has always been the case," says Ron VanDercreek, a retired Quito attorney who...
Police estimate that more than 20,000 gathered in Parque Calderon, Friday, Aug. 29, to honor Cuenca native son and Olympic hero Jefferson Perez. The celebration featured live music, dancing, food, reverly and an evening fireworks display. Perez won the silver medal Aug. 15 at the Beijing games, finishing second by 14 seconds to Russia´s Valeriy Borchin in the 20-kilometer walk. Perez, who had announced earlier...
By Ron Gordon This morning, early, I walked to the village of Vilcabamba.  To sit quietly, in the town square at early morning is to move into a Garcia Marquez novel.  The village, so sleepy on its surface, is vibrating with energy. The skies seem ready to rain butterflies at any moment, covering the park,...
Like other major art centers, Cuenca has always depended on outsiders to enrich its heritage. One recent contributor, Liza Gafitanu Wheeler, caught the town's attention in February with a presentation of mosaic glass art at the Interamerican Center for Popular Arts (CIDAP). One of those who attended the exhibit was Juan Mendoza, who has taught painting at several Latin American universities. "I...
By A.O. Scott  Reviewing a biography of Jorge Luis Borges in The New York Times Book Review a few years back, David Foster Wallace attacked the standard biographical procedure of mining the lives of writers for clues to their work, and vice versa. Borges’s stories, he insisted, “so completely transcend their motive cause that the...
It would be a stretch to say to that Carolina Bookstore is rising from the ashes of the former ABC Bookstore. It is more the case of being a victim of the ´trickle-down effect´ that forced the relocation and prompted the renaming of the store following a July 4 fire behind the cathedral. ¨We’re open for business,¨...
One of the best sources for travel tips, especially for discovering  off-the-beaten-path jewels, are travel blogs. The following is an entry posted earlier this year in Nancy and Chuck Watson’s blog. The Watsons have homes in Cuenca and in Washington state, where their children and grandchildren live. We went to Chordeleg, a small town about...
by Calvin Trillin, September 5, 2005   I try not to let a decade pass without renewing my assault on Spanish, which I keep hearing described as an easy language to learn. In the nineties, in preparation for a trip to northern Spain, I bought myself a videotape Spanish course in the form of a sixteen-episode...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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