
Ecuador banana growers from three provinces blocked main roads across the country on Monday to demand government action to boost prices they say are too low for them to meet production costs. Protesters used rocks, dirt and vegetation to distrupt traffic in El Oro, Guayas and Los Rios Provinces and say they are struggling to...
By Erin Prater It was a viral moment that elicited both nervous laughs and tears of joy from a pandemic-weary nation: Colorado Gov. Jared Polis awaiting his state’s first COVID vaccine shipment in December 2020, staring at a delivery door like a child stares at a fireplace on Christmas Eve. “Any minute now we’re going...
President Guillermo Lasso said Saturday that he is preparing questions to appear on a popular referendum later this year. “We haven’t made a final decision on all the issues to be included but we know that prison security, the elimination of Cpccs [Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control] and employment will be among them.”...
By the Staff of The Week Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has sent world food prices skyrocketing, leaving millions at risk of going hungry. With no end in sight of deadly conflict, the situation will no doubt get much worse before it gets better. Why the food shortage? The Russian invasion and the sanctions on Moscow...
Former vice president Jorge Glas walked out of the Latacunga Penitentiary on Sunday morning following a release order issued by a judge in Santa Elena Province. Judge Javier Moscoso granted habeas corpus based on concerns for Glas’ physical and mental health and because he has served more than 60 percent of his sentence. In total,...
By Leita Hulmes I know I have already written a few stories about the Hearts of Gold Foundation but today I want to tell the story about a man with a heart of gold. David McDevitt has started his own campaign to help, not just Hearts of Gold and the Cuenca Soup Kitchen but three...
Cuenca tram director Boris Palacios announced Thursday that 11 electric buses will be delivered in October or November and be part of the plan to integrate the tram and municipal buses. He said the buses have been purchased with grants from three international environmental organizations. “The new buses will provide a feeder system from selected...
Minister of Defense Luis Hernández has ordered what he calls a “deep and wide” investigation of how a car and van filled with cash gained access to the national defense headquarters parking lot Thursday and why “Big Money” Don Naza was admitted to the main building of the complex. “A number of very serious military...
By Matt Kenyon The phrase “the old ones are the best ones” might not always be true. But some of the oldest jokes in history are still in use today. What makes a good joke? It’s worth going back a few thousand years to find out. After months spent poring over medieval texts for her...
By Tara Law It’s clear that 2020 was a terrible year for health in the U.S., but just how terrible is now coming into focus. New mortality data from the National Center for Health Statistics finds that life expectancy dropped by 1.8 years in 2020 compared to 2019, and more than 528,800 more U.S. residents...
An investigation is underway following the arrest of five men and women in the parking lot of the Defense Ministry complex in Quito Thursday afternoon. Police say the five are associated with the so-called “Big Money” loan and money laundering operation in Quevedo in Los Rios Province, and were carrying suitcases filled with cash and...
The Ecuador Social Security Institute (IESS) and the Society for the Fight Against Cancer in Ecuador (SOLCA) announced Thursday that they had reached an agreement to allow IESS patients to continue to receive cancer treatments. Management of the SOLCA foundation threatened on Tuesday to suspend treatments if the government did not make arrangements to pay...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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