
Jueves, 7/4/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Hoy se inaugura festival de música sacra “Quien canta ora dos veces” (Sacred music festival “He who sings prays twice” opened today) – <And does he who laughs prays 3 times? I guess it depends on what he’s laughing at.> The U. of Cuenca organized its 1st sacred...
By Sebastian Stranieri There are only two types of companies in today’s digital age. Those that have been hacked, and those that will be hacked. Three, if we add those who have been hacked but just don’t know it. Emerging markets in Latin America and beyond are the most vulnerable to hacks and breaches because,...
The National Assembly voted Tuesday to send President Guillermo Lasso’s revisions to the new abortion law to the Constitutional Court to determine their legality. The law was passed in March following a 2021 ruling by the court that Ecuador’s current law, which prohibits abortion in cases of rape, is unconstitutional. Lasso made 61 changes to...
Tourists and vendors in Playas are complaining about the mounds of driftwood littering local beaches. The logs, limbs and other trash that wash ashore during rainy season and then accumulate on beaches have been collected in piles as high as three meters but have not been removed by municipal cleaning crews. “This happens every year...
Miércoles, 6/4/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – La Chismosa enciende su primera vela (La Chismosa lights its first candle) – FM station, Radio La Chismosa (FM 104.1), will celebrate its 1st anniversary with a free concert. The “Tour Party Reggaeton 2022” will be el próximo domingo a las 14:00 in the Parque Curiquingue. Performers will...
By Marcos Aleman El Salvador’s congress, pushing further in the government’s dramatic crackdown on gangs, has authorized prison sentences of 10 to 15 years for news media and journalists that reproduce or disseminate messages from the gangs, alarming press freedom groups. The vote late Tuesday was the latest in a flurry of legislative action against...
By David Leonhardt To many people’s surprise — including mine — new Covid-19 cases in the U.S. have not begun to rise. Over the past two weeks, they have held roughly steady, falling about 1 percent, even as the more contagious BA.2 subvariant of Omicron has become the dominant form of Covid in the U.S....
Martes, 5/4/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Abril, un mes de cultura (April, a month of culture) – Some of the activities planned for the 465th anniversary of the founding of Cuenca include movies in the barrios, music in the parks, and a return to parades of students in the streets. The Dirección de Cultura...
By Heather Conley Let’s say you want to open a small business in Cuenca. Why not? It’s a great city, arguably the best in Ecuador, and you want to contribute.  ou have dreams, you have skills – you want to give back. But if your business idea depends on staff, STOP! First, hire yourself a...
By Jeremiah Reardon At a March rehearsal for Azuay Community Theater’s first fully-staged play since the Covid-19 pandemic began, How The Other Half Loves by Alan Ayckbourn, Director Bob Fry and ACT President Paula Bailey outlined the play for me. The action takes place in two homes which coexist on the same space of the...
Peruvian President Pedro Castillo has imposed a curfew in the capital, Lima, and the port city of Callao following nationwide protests over rising fuel and fertilizer prices. On Sunday, the government announced it would temporarily scrap the fuel tax in an attempt to stabilize petrol prices. But truck drivers and farmers blocked roads in much...
There will be no interruption of services for cancer patients, Ecuador’s Social Security Institute (IESS) said Monday. IESS health division officials said that arrangements are being made to pay a debt to the Solca cancer foundation, which provides treatment services to IESS. In a statement last week, Solca said it may end services to IESS...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News