
Representatives of more than a dozen business and professional associations pledged Friday to fight the National Assembly’s grant of amnesty to 268 people arrested during political protests, including 60 who participated in the October 2019 protest against former president Lenin Moreno. In addition, the groups said at a press conference that they will begin a...
More than 18 million people have probably died due to Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic, a new report claims. Researchers say the true death toll could be three times higher than what has been officially recorded. Data from Johns Hopkins University confirmed this week that more than 6 million people have died due...
By John Bartlett After a dizzying rise from student protest leader to head of state in just over a decade, Gabriel Boric has been sworn in as Chile’s youngest ever president. “Know that we are going to do our best to rise to the challenges we face as a country,” he said as he received...
By Randy Scott As in several other Latin American countries, you can buy opioids over the counter in drug stores in Cuenca. A 20-count box of two brands of synthetic opioids costs between $5 and $10, depending on the pharmacy where it’s purchased. The pattern of opioids use varies widely around the world. In the...
By Vasko Kohlmayer It is hard not to be deeply shaken by the unfolding tragedy in Ukraine. Terrible though it may be, it was not, however, unexpected. By taking matters into his own hands, Vladimir Putin did what he had warned he would do in the years leading up to this crisis. Putin has always...
Jueves,10/3/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Rosy Revelo llega con 50 obras donde sobresale la mujer (Rosy Revelo arrives with 50 works in which women stand out) – The artist Rosy Revelo has opened “Eva pro novis,” an exhibit at the Galería de la Alcaldía (Bolívar y Borrero) which shows different facets of women. Llaman...
The National Assembly has granted amnesty to 268 people arrested during anti-government protests, including 60 involved in the sometimes violent October 2019 protests against former president Lenin Moreno. The measure was approved by 99 of the Assembly’s 137 members. Among those absolved of convictions and alleged crimes are current Conaie President Leonidas Iza and past...
By a single vote, National Assembly President Guadalupe Llori survived an attempt by opposition Assembly members on Wednesday to investigate and remove her from leadership. Llori had earlier allowed the vote to proceed, saying she would not “stand in the way of the will of the Assembly.” The vote to investigate Llori, as well as...
The visas of former president Abdalá Bucaram and his family have been revoked by the United States for what the U.S. Embassy called “significant acts of corruption.” In a statement, the Embassy said the corruption occurred both during Bucaram’s presidency and after. “During his tenure as president of Ecuador, Bucaram engaged in multiple acts of...
Miércoles, 9/3/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – 8 días de saberes ancestrales (8 days of ancestral wisdom) – Since 2015, Bryan Jara has organized dance and music anniversaries of his dance school, “Kaypimikanchik.” In 2021 he decided to add ancestral knowledge to the andean celebrations. This year Andesmanta will bring a new series of presentations...
Guatemalan lawmakers have increased prison sentences for women who have abortions, bucking a recent trend in Latin America toward expanding access to the procedures. As some of Latin America’s largest countries — Mexico, Argentina, Colombia — have expanded abortion access in the past two years, there remain countries where conservative religious trends continue to hold...
National Assembly President Guadalupe Llori claims that those attempting to remove her from office and take control of the Assembly don’t understand parliamentary law. She insists she will stand her ground. The Assembly meets today for the first time since the Carnaval holiday facing Corresta-led calls to evaluate Llori’s leadership as well as that of...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News