
By Sandee LaMotte Eating a plant-based diet has been shown to be good for your heart and your overall health, as well as that of the planet. In fact, a recent study found a young person could live an additional 13 years by eating more vegetables and legumes, as well as whole grains, fruit and...
Cuenca Mayor Pedro Palacios defended his decision to change the city logo over the weekend, claiming that the graphic artist who designed the artwork “did not charge a penny for his efforts.” He also said that the signage erected in several locations in the historic district, displaying the new logo, replaced signs that were damaged...
Despite some shipping problems, Ecuador broke a record for flower exports during the 2022 Valentine ‘s season with 20,112 tons leaving the Mariscal Sucre International Airport in Quito, according to the airport shipping agents. The season lasted 23 days and accumulated the highest volume of exports since the Quito airport opened in 2013, according to...
In an unannounced visit to Cuenca Wednesday afternoon, President Guillermo Lasso summoned area mayors, parochial officials and the Azuay prefect to a meeting at the government building on Parque Calderon. Lasso met collectively and individually with officials, including Cuenca Mayor Pedro Palacios and Azuay Prefect Cecilia Méndez, in what his press secretary called “information gathering...
In 2022, Ecuador’s Finance Ministry will allocate $3.3 billion for international investment marketing, with almost a billion of it going to promote tourism. The amount represents the country’s largest annual investment ever to promote tourism. Minister of Tourism, Niels Olsen, said that, during 2021, Ecuador had high tourism growth, with a 25.8% increase over 2020....
By Mark Stevenson With clever Super Bowl ads, an irresistible fruit and apparently insatiable appetite from U.S. consumers, Mexico’s avocado producers have so far been able to separate avocados from the conflictive landscape that produces them — at least until a threat to a U.S. agricultural inspector essentially shut down their exports last week. But...
By Brenda Goodman The BA.2 virus — a subvariant of the Omicron coronavirus variant — isn’t just spreading faster than its distant cousin, it may also cause more severe disease and appears capable of thwarting some of the key weapons we have against Covid-19, new research suggests. New lab experiments from Japan show that BA.2...
The National Emergency Operations Committee (COE) voted Thursday to eliminate the “traffic light” or alert code system used to track Covid-19 health risks in provinces and cantons. The system was eliminated at the request of Health Minister Ximena Garzón who said it is no longer needed due to improving pandemic conditions. In other action, the...
Jueves, 17/2/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Dos exposiciones en un museo y galería de arte (Two exhibitions in a museum and art gallery) – <Finally something to translate in this section – after 2 years of nada.> An exhibit, “Desnudez del alma” by Cuban artist Esteban Machado, opened ayer at the Museo de la...
Pollution by governments, companies and consumers is contributing to more deaths globally than Covid-19, a U.N. environmental report published on Tuesday said, calling for “immediate and ambitious action” to ban some toxic chemicals. The report said pollution from pesticides, plastics and electronic waste is causing widespread human rights violations and at least nine million premature...
Under orders from the Constitutional Court, the National Assembly on Thursday approved a law allowing abortion in the case of rape. The bill passed on a second vote after its sponsors agreed to reduce the period in which a pregnancy could be terminated from 16 weeks to 12. For young girls and women living in...
Ecuador’s Health Minister Ximena Garzón said Wednesday that Covid-19 cases are dropping rapidly that the government will consider reducing or eliminating some health restrictions, particularly the outdoor masking requirement, as conditions improve. She said that the positivity rate of Covid tests has dropped from 65 percent in mid-January to 15 percent on Tuesday. “When we...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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