
The National Institute of Census and Statistics reports that formal employment rose to 33.9 percent of the working population in December 2021, up from 30 percent early in year, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. “We are recovering the lost jobs but the gains are coming slowly,” says INEC director Roberto Castillo. “In February...
By John Keeble Every now and again, if you are lucky, you experience a moment when you can see the world changing and you know the future will never be quite the same. Just such a moment happened in the Cajas Mountains as a disparate group of good people came together for an hour in...
By Richard Collett Borders are supposed to be simple in the Pyrenees. On the southern side of the mountain range, you’re in Spain. On the northern side, you’re in France. Visit Val d’Aran, though, and geopolitics takes a more complicated turn. Val d’Aran is on the wrong side of the mountains. Geographically, this small mountain...
Jueves, 27/12/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – En tres días elaborarán 20 prototipos de videojuegos (20 video game prototypes to be developed in three days) – The Asociación de Desarrolladores de Videoguegos Ecuatorianos (ADVEC) and OpenlabEC are presenting the 8th edition of Global Gam Jam for the public to participate in developing a videogame prototype....
By Frank Gardner Imagine a world where encrypted, secret files are suddenly cracked open — something known as “the quantum apocalypse”. Put very simply, quantum computers work completely differently from the computers developed over the past century. In theory, they could eventually become many, many times faster than today’s machines. That means that faced with...
By Chen Lin and Aradhana Aravindan Atar Sandler arrived in Singapore in 2019, seizing the opportunity to live in a buzzing global city that is also a convenient base to jet off to more exotic locales nearby. But after two years of mask-wearing, socialising in small groups and travel restrictions to combat the Covid-19 pandemic,...
Miércoles, 26/1/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – “Noche de las Ideas” en la Alianza (“Night of Ideas” at the Alliance) – The Alianza de Francesa has organized “La Noche de las Ideas” and the environment is this year’s theme. Between hoy y viernes, there will be talks and meetings on Facebook Live. On viernes a...
Face coverings and Covid passes are no longer legally required in England, after the relaxation of Plan B rules came into effect on Thursday. Health Secretary Sajid Javid said the measures could be lifted due to the vaccine rollout’s success and a better understanding of Covid treatments. Although the action applies only to England in...
People who were originally fully vaccinated with the Chinese-made Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine were shown to develop a high degree of immunity after receiving booster doses of either AstraZeneca, Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson vaccines. In the Brazilian government-funded phase 4 study conducted by researchers from Brazil and Oxford University, patients who received an initial vaccination...
Medical groups and doctors are calling President Guillermo Lasso’s decision to reduce the value added tax for the Carnival holiday “irresponsible” and “an act of public endangerment.” According to several doctors, the tax break will encourage the gathering of larger crowds and could cause a surge in Covid-19 infections. Some doctors are also attacking his...
Martes, 25/1/2022 Hola, Todos – Titular – Nivelación, prioritaria (Leveling, a priority) – Since the declaration of the health emergency in Ecuador, primary and secondary students have been in a state of vaivén (back and forth – our word for the day – va-y-ven – go and come) with classes on screens, handouts on paper...
By Vinay Prasad Last week, a group of scientists, doctors, and academics published an open letter calling on Spotify “to take action against the mass-misinformation events which continue to occur on its platform”. Specifically, they were objecting to two recent episodes of Joe Rogan’s podcast, in which he interviewed the prominent vaccine sceptics Dr. Peter...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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