
Jueves, 13/1/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Exposiciones reactivan los espacios culturales (Exhibitions reactivate cultural spaces) – With the beginning of the year, cultural spaces have opened new exhibits. “Juguetes, de lo ingenuo a lo perverso” by artist Darwin Guerrero opened ayer at the “Saladentro” gallery (Paseo 3 de Noviembre 4-78 y Bajada de Todos...
By David Leonhardt and Ashley Wu Some of the timeliest data on Covid-19 outcomes by vaccination status comes from New York City and the Seattle area, and the two are telling a consistent story. Cases for vaccinated and unvaccinated residents alike are rising: They’re rising because vaccination often does not prevent infection from the Omicron...
The Cuenca Cantonal Emergency Operations Committee (COE) is asking passengers on city buses and the tram to carry their vaccine cards with them but they won’t be mandatory. “These will be random checks of passengers already seated on buses and the tram but we will not deny anyone service,” Mayor Pedro Palacios said after Wednesday’s...
Miércoles, 12/1/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Titular – Niños, los más vulnerables (Children, the most vulnerable) – The number of Covid cases increased after the Christmas and New Year holidays with 11,732 new cases registered in just the 1st week of 2022. However, what is not seen in the statistics, not only in...
Under orders from the Constitutional Court to liberalize the country’s abortion law, the National Assembly has resumed debate on a new law that would allow rape victims to legally end their pregnancies.. The National Police command in Quito says it expects protests outside of the Assembly building and is developing plans to keep opposing sides...
By Shannon O’Neil Latin America’s leftist leaders hailed last month’s election of Gabriel Boric in Chile, while investors pulled back, leading the country’s currency and stock market to fall. Yet Boric has the chance to surprise both sides, carving out a different left-leaning political path. Rather than selling the economic populism of Argentina or Brazil,...
By Dylan Housman Thanks to the arrival of the Omicron variant, it’s now accurate to say that Covid-19 is “just the flu” – or even less — for the vast majority of the population. The same claim was made, afterall, in early 2020 by former President Donald Trump and Covid skeptics and turned out to...
Lunes, 10/1/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – From el viernes, 7/1/2022 8 cuerpos humanos reales decodifican el atlas de la anatomía (8 real human bodies decode the atlas of anatomy) – The “Cuerpos Humanos Reales, Gira Ecuador 2021/2022” exhibit which is similar to the Body Worlds exhibits is at the Centro de Convenciones at the...
Ecuador’s President Guillermo Lasso will travel to China at the start of February to renegotiate terms of the South American country’s debt to Beijing, Foreign Minister Juan Carlos Holguin said on Monday. Trade and investment will also be included in the talks, he said. In a bid to lower the strain of the outstanding credit...
By Samantha Schmidt and Diana Durán   A 51-year-old Colombian woman died by euthanasia on Saturday after a historic legal battle to exercise the right in this majority-Catholic country. The case of Martha Sepúlveda drew international attention last year when she planned to become the first person in Colombia without a terminal prognosis to die...
Beginning Wednesday, January 12, all passengers of inter- and intra-provincial buses will be required to show proof of Covid-19 vaccination when they purchase tickets. Adrián Castro, director of the National Transportation Agency, said the requirement has received approval from the national Emergency Operations Committee. Vaccination cards for children aged 5 to 12 will be required...
Hundreds of Cuencanos lined up in more than 20 locations Saturday and Sunday to be tested for Covid-19 infection and to receive vaccinations against the virus. The long lines were typical of others around the country, prompted by an increase of cases and the spread of the Omicron variant. More than 200 people were evaluated...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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