
Cuenca Mayor Pedro Palacios is calling for an investigation of Saturday’s “TikTok event of the year” at Mall del Rio that attracted hundreds of young fans of the social media platform. “This unsanctioned gathering was in total violation of pandemic protocols and we will immediately pursue penalties against those who sponsored it,” he said. A...
By Ben Krishna It is controversial whether viruses are alive, but – like all living things – they do evolve. This fact has become abundantly clear during the pandemic, as new variants of concern have emerged every few months. Some of these variants have been better at spreading from person to person, eventually becoming dominant...
Thank you, all. It has been a grand ride for me these last nearly five years, writing a weekly love letter to Cuenca, and the people who live here – an honor, really. I posted over 200 stories; some have been simple tales of wonder and beauty, others were stoked with concern about where we...
The tallest mountain in the Galapagos islands eruprted Friday, spewing lava down its flanks and clouds of ash over the Pacific Ocean, according to Ecuador’s Geophysical Institute. A cloud of gas and ash from Wolf Volcano rose to 3,793 meters (12,444 feet) above sea level following the eruption that began shortly before midnight Wednesday local...
Omicron is now the dominant Covid-19 variant in Ecuador, Health Minister Ximena Garzón said Friday. “It has overtaken Delta and older variants to be the most common and we know it is spreading rapidly,” she said in an interview on Radio Network América. She admitted that there is a “significant time lag” in determining the...
By Andres Oppenheimer Leading international financial institutions have published their economic forecasts for 2022, and their projections for Latin America are awful: They agree that it will be the world’s slowest-growing region this year. Even the economies of sub-Saharan Africa, which has several armed conflicts going on, will grow more than Latin America in 2022,...
Passengers who filmed themselves partying without masks aboard a chartered flight from Montreal to Mexico face being stranded after three airlines refused to fly them home to Canada. Sunwing Airlines cancelled the return charter flight from Cancun that had been scheduled for Wednesday and Air Transat and Air Canada also both said they will refuse...
Jueves, 6/12/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Titular – Créditos para reactivar (Loans for reactivation) – Pres. Lasso launched his plan of Crédito de las Oportunidades in Latacunga, Cotopaxi ayer. He presented a symbolic check for $3,000 to María Rosa Quindil, a small agricultural producer. See today’s article in CHL for more information. Cuenca –...
By Stewart McCorvey Becoming an expat shapes your personality as it takes you through a journey of life struggles and challenges. Every expat goes through very particular circumstances, but there are certain things that almost all of them will have experienced. I have gathered the list of the top seven things only expats understand, take...
Three top government officials, including Vice President Alfredo Borrero, have tested positive for the Covid-19 virus. On Wednesday night the Ministry of Health reported that Borrero was quarantining at home following a positive test. On Thursday morning, it was announced that Juan Zapata, president of the national Emergency Operations Committee (COE) and El Oro Province...
New Ministry of Tourism regulations will require operators of so-called “adventure tours” to carry accident and civil liability insurance policies and includes provisions to improve the care and treatment of horses used for long-distance treks. According to the Tourism Ministry, most of the new rules have the support of the tourism industry, although some tour...
Miércoles, 5/1/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada Titular – Aforo laboral es parcial (Partial observance of occupancy limits for workers) <Yes, I know this is not anywhere near an accurate translation, but it is what the article is about> – The City of Cuenca has only partially accepted the disposition of the National COE...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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