
By Maria Cheng How will the world decide when the pandemic is over? There’s no clear-cut definition for when a pandemic starts and ends, and how much of a threat a global outbreak is posing can vary by country. “It’s somewhat a subjective judgment because it’s not just about the number of cases. It’s about...
Officials of the Health Ministry and Emergency Operations Committee are denying claims that a new nationwide lockdown against the Covid-19 virus will be imposed in January. “I have heard the rumors and they are not true,” says Juan Zapata, president of the national COE. “We are closely monitoring developments with the Omicron variant but no...
In a Wednesday morning interview, President Guillermo Lasso said he will not appear before the National Assembly to answer questions about his offshore investments listed in the so-called Pandora Papers. “I have no intentions of honoring the conspiratorial whims of the Correísta bloc in the Assembly,” he said. “I was pleased to see that they...
By Richard Horton What is the best political system to protect and advance health? In 2019, Thomas Bollyky, who directs the Global Health Program at the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations, and colleagues reported evidence in The Lancet suggesting that democracies are better than autocracies for delivering gains in health. Advantage America, he seemed to...
The Venezuelan consulate in Quito reports that 5,300 of its citizens have returned home in 2021 under the “return to the homeland” program. “We are pleased to repatriate our fellow Venezuelans under this government-funded program,” said Pedro Sassone, consulate spokesman. He added that an unknown number of Venezuelans have returned home on their own, without...
On Sunday, December 20, start-up airline EcuAir will join Latam, Avianca and Aeroregional in Ecuador’s struggling air passenger market. EcuAir’s first flight departs Guayaquil’s José Joaquín de Olmedo Airport, bound for Quito, at 8 in the morning. In early 2022, EcuAir’s owners say the airline will operate flights between Guayaquil and Quito on its two...
Martes, 7/12/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Todo listo para el tributo a Queen (All set for Queen tribute) – There will be tribute to Queen by the Argentinean band Dr. Queen el sábado a las 20:00 in the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. Tickets are available on the TicketShow website,, and in the El...
By Lance Brashear When the Spanish came looking for gold in a small town in what today is southern Ecuador, they saw a geographic similarity to Portobelo, Panama, another gold-mining town so they christened it with the same name. Portovelo, Ecuador — the locals opted for a “v’ instead of the “b” — sits just...
By Emma Newburger Amin Nasser, the chief executive of Saudi Aramco, the world’s biggest oil producer, urged global leaders on Monday to continue investing in planet-warming fossil fuels in the years ahead, arguing that the assumption the world could transition to clean energy “overnight” was “deeply flawed.” Nasser, during remarks at the World Petroleum Congress in...
The National Assembly is scheduled to begin debate today on a report that recommends the impeachment of President Guillermo Lasso but its supporters do not appear to have the votes necessary for its adoption. The 291-page report, released by the Assembly’s Constitutional Guarantee Commission on November 6, lacked widespread support from the beginning. Two members...
Lunes, 6/12/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – “Algoritmo”, película ecuatoriana que reflexiona subre exposición tecnológica y corrupción (“Algoritmo”, Ecuadorian film that reflects on technological exposure and corruption) – The movie, “Algorithms” is premiering in Ecuador and reflects on the risk that comes with the liberation of data, sometimes unconsciously, over the internet. This adventure/suspense film...
By Eleanor Cummins The pharaoh Hatshepsut accomplished many feats in her reign over Egypt some 3,500 years ago. One of few women rulers then or now, she concentrated power against incredible odds. She built temples and obelisks of unprecedented size, technical skill, and number. And, the story goes, her explorers, skilled in botanical espionage, secured...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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