
Ecuador health officials are crediting the high vaccination rate of high-risk population groups with bringing the Covid-19 pandemic under control. “We are intensifying out efforts to reach the unvaccinated but are very pleased with efforts to protect the elderly, the chronically ill and people who interact with the public, like health workers and teachers,” says...
By Jeremiah Reardon With the Covid pandemic largely under control in Cuenca, thanks to the cooperation of its citizens and the efforts of its health professionals, festivals once again abound. One of them is the Eleventh Guitar Festival, taking place this week at the Plaza de Las Herrerias. (See the festival Facebook page for details)....
Lunes, 22/11/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Titular – Aulas y pupitres listos para hoy (Classrooms and desks ready for today) – Students in technical and rural high schools return to clases presenciales (face-to-face classes – your phrase for the day – memorize this one because I will be using it) today. This time...
Mexican authorities discovered more than 400 migrants transiting the country in the back of two semi-trailers Friday, not far from where two migrant caravans were more visibly, and slowly, making their way north. The migrants were held by authorities in a walled yard until federal immigration agents could retrieve them. “There were more than 400,”...
Ecuador President Guillermo Lasso and Colombian President Iván Duque announced Sunday that the border between their two countries will reopen December 1. Except for a limited number of transport vehicles, the border has been closed since March 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. According to a joint presidential statement, the Rumichaca Bridge at Tulcán will...
By Caitlin Flanagan I turned 60 last week, and I feel vaguely embarrassed about it, like I’ve somehow let myself go, like I’ve been bingeing on decades and wound up in this unappealing condition. Chances are, most of you haven’t crossed this border station yet, so you’d better listen up. Because if you play your...
By Grace Gavilanes If you told Diana Aguilar last year that she would be opening a quaint Ecuadorian café at the height of the pandemic, she would call you crazy. But that’s exactly what happened this past March when the proud Ecuadorian immigrant and her family set up shop in Brooklyn’s Dumbo neighborhood. “I didn’t...
By Blanca Lucía Echeverry and Andrew Miller At the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, President Iván Duque of Colombia carried out a charm offensive to convince the world he is an environmental champion who would protect his nation’s vast forests. He promised Colombia would be carbon neutral by 2050 and that, by next year, 30...
By Jan Dynes Always the perpetual optimist, today her mind went rogue, betrayed her and took a nasty twist. She didn’t know quite what to do with these feelings, she seldom went down the rabbit-hole. Her ‘Rah, Rah Pollyanna’ had always served her well at seeing the silver linings. Today though she felt less able...
By James Hamblin As a young child I missed a question on a psychological test: “What comes in a bottle?” The answer was supposed to be milk. I said beer. Milk almost always came in cartons and plastic jugs, so I was right. But this isn’t about rehashing old grudges. I barely even think about...
“Living conditions are not good in Ecuador’s prison system and they are terrible in some cases,” Interior Minister Alexandra Vera said Thursday in a Tweet. She added that she expects the forthcoming investigation by the Inter-American Human Rights Commission (IACHR) to confirm that fact. More than 300 prisoners have died in riots in the country’s...
Global wealth tripled over the last two decades, with China leading the way and overtaking the U.S. for the top spot worldwide, Bloomberg reported. A report by McKinsey & Co. that examines the national balance sheets of ten countries representing more than 60 per cent of the world’s income. China accounted for almost one-third of...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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