
By David Leonhardt I want to end this week by showing you two Covid-19 charts. They contain the same message: The pandemic is in retreat. In the United States, there is now an excellent chance that the retreat is permanent. Victory over Covid has not yet arrived, but it is growing close. After almost a...
The governments of Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador are taking steps to restore and preserve the Qhapaq Ñam Andean Inca route and promote local tourism in the region. Qhapaq Ñam was the backbone of the Inca Empire’s political and economic power. It served as an extensive Inca communication, trade and defense network of roads and associated...
One of the biggest challenges facing President-elect Guillermo Lasso will be allowing gasoline and diesel prices to rise to international market levels while reducing the impact on bus and trucking companies. Energy Minister René Ortiz says there can be no return to subsidized fuel and Lasso agrees. “Ecuador can longer afford the subsidies and must...
Jueves, 20/5/2021 Hola, Todos – I will be taking a week off starting on Monday, and will be back el lunes, 31/5/2021. Actividades – Del cuerpo del periodico – Se cumple la semana de la movilidad (Mobility week is over) – The Empresa de Movilidad (EMOV EP) of the City of Cuenca is finishing a...
The European Union entered what was intended to be a final round of negotiations on Thursday to bridge differences over the use of Covid-19 certificates designed to open up tourism this summer. European Parliament lawmakers and current EU president Portugal representing the bloc’s 27 members scheduled an afternoon of discussions to break deadlock about the...
The man who led the indigenous Pachakutik movement to a leadership position in Ecuador’s National Assembly for the first time is leaving the party. Yaku Pérez announced Wednesday in Cuenca that he is resigning from Pachakutik in protest of its decision to align itself with President-elect Guillermo Lasso and his conservative Creo (I Believe) party....
Miércoles, 19/5/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Debates sobre economías creativas (Discussions on creative economies) – Resiliart 2021 is a series of 3 discussions on creative economies in Ecuador, to recognize and look for sustainable development for cultural expression in the country. It is being organized by the Casa de...
Perseverance furthers. — I Ching – The Book of Changes, late 9th century By Robert Bradley Bill Dick has been tireless in his dedication to improving the lives of others for the entirety of his nearly ten years living in Cuenca. His latest contributions are stellar for both their simplicity and importance. In the spring...
By Jennifer Liu The coronavirus pandemic impacted lives around the world, but depending on where you reside and the local response to prevention efforts, your experience may have varied greatly. Those experiences are among the data collected by Internations, a global expat community, for its latest Expat Insider survey of more than 12,000 people to...
By Will Ford During the summer in the eastern U.S. city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, my father lies in a hammock, gin and tonic in hand, waiting for hummingbirds. He has often struggled to attract them to the back yard. Tapichalaca Reserve, in southern Ecuador, would be heaven for him. In the cloud forest here in...
By Sylvan Hardy An angry Rafael Correa denounced Pressident-elect Guillermo Lasso in two interviews on Monday, calling him a “traitor and a liar” for walking away from a political alliance with Correa’s Union for Hope (Unes) and the conservative Social Christian party. “Guillermo Lasso has started his governance very badly,” Correa said. “He spoke of...
Martes, 18/5/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Museos con varios problemas (Museums with various problems) – The pandemic has left some museums in Cuenca in a difficult situation, trying to operate without funds and specialized personnel. The Museo Pumapunga, Museo de las Conceptas and the Museo Agustín Landívar are among...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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