
By Lief Simon Living or doing business in another country, how should you handle requests for a little something on the side to help grease the wheels? A friend, a businessman in Ecuador, told me about a survey carried out in that country a few years ago. That survey found that something close to 80%...
The Cuenca Soup Kitchen reminds expats that many Ecuadorians are suffering the hidden consequences of poverty. More than 40 percent of children in Ecuador live in extreme poverty, much of it the result of the Covid pandemic. One of those hidden consequences is the fact that poor families are unable to afford diapers for their...
Claiming that a lack of employment is Ecuador’s biggest problem, President-elect Guillermo Lasso presented what he called a “liberal vision agenda” to reactivate the economy. “We believe in a free entrepreneurial economy that provides opportunities for all,” he said. “Our economy has been over-regulated and under-productive for years, restricting growth and wages, and it is...
Miércoles, 14/7/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Detenidos por corrupción en Petroecuador (Arrested for corruption in Petroecuador) – Ayer, Attorney General Diana Salazar, led 25 raids and the arrest of 9 people including the Comptroller Pablo Celi, his brother, an ex-secretary of the cabinet of the current government, the...
Former president Rafael Correa said Tuesday that he plans to keep up his political fight from exile despite his protege’s election defeat. He was a key presence in Sunday’s presidential election despite the fact that he wasn’t on the ballot and lives in Belgium. He denied widespread suggestions that Andres Arauz’s loss to former banker...
By Stefano Pozzebon More than a year into the pandemic and as cases resurge in Latin America, two recent elections suggest that popular political views on how to escape the crisis remain deeply polarized — at a time when cohesion is most needed. South American politics are frequently interconnected, sometimes with shared political trends. Across...
New test results for the Chinese Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine show that it is 100% effective against severe cases, including hospitalizations and death, of the virus despite being less effective than other vaccines against milder cases. A late-stage trial in Brazil, concluded two weeks ago, indicated that Sinovac is only 50.7 percent effective against all cases...
Martes, 13/4/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Inauguran dos exposiciones de artistas (Two art exhibits open) – Cristina Urgilés Martínez opened “RespirArte…como te vivo Cuenca” ayer at the Casa Patrimonial del Alfarero (calle Lamar y Convención del 45) with hours from 8:00-16:45. The show of about 46 ceramics pieces inspired...
By David Leonhardt The development of the Covid-19 vaccines happened with great urgency, for obvious reasons. One of the timesaving techniques by Moderna and Pfizer involved scheduling the two vaccine doses fairly close together — just three or four weeks apart — during the research trials. The companies did not test multiple gaps between the...
By Jack Guy, Vasco Cotovio and Rodrigo Pedroso A huge statue of Jesus Christ is under construction in southern Brazil, and it will be even taller than its famous counterpart in Rio de Janeiro. The “Christ the Protector” statue is being built in Encantado, a small town in Brazil’s southernmost state, Rio Grande do Sul,...
By Mitra Taj Peru’s presidential election is headed for a runoff, with Pedro Castillo, a far-left former union activist and teacher, in the lead, according to data released Monday by the country’s electoral body. He will likely face a right-wing candidate in a second round of voting in June. Mr. Castillo, a social conservative, was...
President-elect Guillermo Lasso on Monday announced a “true change” in crisis-wracked Ecuador after bringing to an end an era of left-wing election victories. The 65-year-old former banker beat socialist economist Andres Arauz in Sunday’s poll with official results after 99 percent of the votes were counted showing Lasso leading by 52.4 percent to 47.6. “Ecuador...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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