
By Kate Taylor, Avery Hartmans and Allana Akhtar As vaccines roll out across the U.S., thousands of people aren’t getting vaccinated at CVS pharmacies or local health clinics. Instead, they’re heading to abandoned Kmarts, Sears, and Toys R Us stores to get their shots. For American companies that have seen store counts collapse in recent...
Ecuador’s Constitutional Court ruled Wednesday that President Lenin Moreno’s 30-day Covid-19 state of emergency must end at midnight Friday and that continuing it until the end of the month would amount to an infringement on the constitutional rights of the country’s citizens. Moreno had declared the emergency April 1 for eight provinces that had seen...
In addition to concerns about obtaining enough Covid-19 vaccines to inoculate 10 million Ecuadorians, the Ministry of Health suddenly has a new problem: people are not showing up for their shots. Based on preliminary data, the ministry says about 40 percent of those eligible to receive vaccines, almost all of them older adults, are missing...
Martes, 6/4/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Del cuerpo del periodico – Muestra de pinturas en Casa de la Cultura (Exhibition of paintings in the Casa de la Cultura) – The CCE in Cañar is opening a show of paintings by artists in the province in the exhibition gallery “Daniel...
By Karl Sweetman The term “vaccine hesitancy” has been used in the medical field since the early 2010s but has come into mainstream use recently because of widespread resistance to vaccination for Covid-19. Depending on your point of view, justification for such “hesitancy” may be totally valid, questionable, unfounded, or just plain loopy. First of...
By Steven Erlanger Alain Walravens, 63, is waiting to be invited for a first coronavirus vaccination. So are Marion Pochet, 71, a retired translator, and her husband, Jean-Marc. At least, Ms. Pochet said, they both have had Covid-19, “so we have some immunity, at least for the moment.” All three are sharply critical of the...
By Priscilla Alvarez The Biden administration has placed around 28,000 radio ads in Latin America as part of a stepped-up campaign to discourage people from journeying to the US. But amid a dramatic spike in migrants to the southern border, many of whom have been lured by false information and rumors from smugglers, it’s not...
By Stefano Pozzebon More than 100 days since the first Covid-19 vaccinations in Latin America, the pandemic is still dangerously resurging in some areas. The region’s recent battle with the coronavirus remains marked by disparities, with some countries boasting of positive vaccination trends while hospitals in neighboring nations collapse under waves of new cases Particularly...
Lunes, 5/4/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Daños obligan a manejar con tino (Damages force you to drive skillfully) – Various stretches of the vía Cuenca-Girón-Pasaje need immediate attention since they’re dangerous – especially for drivers who are not familiar with the road or are speeding. As far as...
By Reginald Williams When someone picks your pocket and pilfers your cell phone, at first you panic. Then you are exposed to feelings of discouragement and vulnerability. You feel disheartened and helpless. Then finally, you accept that there’s nothing to do except lament that the replacement of data and a new device will cost a...
Paracetamol medications are no more effective than a placebo for the most common illnesses or injuries, a medical review of the drug has revealed. The most ineffective use of paracetamol, also known as acetaminophen and sold under such brand names as Tylenol, Mapap and Pharbetol, is when it is taken for acute back pain, University...
By Blane Bachelor Eric Barry has been riding a seemingly never-ending wave of uncertainty in his life over the past year. The 35-year-old writer and podcast host, who is originally from California’s Bay Area, was researching a novel in Ecuador when the global pandemic erupted in March 2020. Over the next 12 months, as Barry...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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