
A team of physicians working with the national Emergency Operations Committee is questioning the health ministry’s plan for delivery of Covid-19 vaccines. According the Health Minister Juan Carlos Zevallos, those who have been infected with the virus will not receive the inoculation. He said that the infected group has already gained immunity that will protect...
The municipal transportation authority (EMOV) said it will not issue safe conduct documents and will depend on drivers to observe the odd-even driving and curfew rules unless they have a valid reason to be on the road. “We are depending on the driving public to obey the emergency health declaration restrictions of December 21,” said...
Editor’s note: Long-time Cuenca expat Martha Mays died last week of pancreatic cancer at the age of 61. She returned briefly to the U.S. for treatments but, when they failed, decided to return to Cuenca to spend her final days. Her son Daniel Palimeri and expat friend Robert Bradley share their memories and thoughts about...
Data on Covid-19 deaths has changed drastically since the beginning of the year, when the virus emerged as a major international health threat. Early estimates of Covid death rates by the World Health Organization and Chinese health officials, put the rate between 3.4 percent and 6.4 percent. Since then, the rate has changed dramatically and...
Representatives of Ecuador’s tourism industry are crying foul following the imposition of new health emergency restrictions. “We weren’t expecting this and it’s almost like a nail in our coffin,” says Holbach Muñetón, president of the National Federation of Tourism Chambers of Ecuador. “We were beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel...
By Kira Ganga Kieffer Infection and death rates caused by Covid-19 are raging, but the rollout of the vaccines brings new hope that the pandemic will end and we will soon be back to normal. Yet, according to a recent Pew Research study, 40% of Americans are wary of receiving a vaccine. What to do? Vaccine...
The 30-day state of emergency declared Monday by President Lenín Moreno is being met with anger and disbelief in the business community and could face a serious legal challenge in court. Moreno’s order is a response to the threat of a new variation of the Covid-19 virus and concerns about the spread of the virus...
By Stephen Vargha Cuenca used to be a desert in the land of beers. Less than ten years ago, the choices for beer were all mass produced and one could not parch his or her thirst for a quality beer as it basically did not exist in Cuenca. Since then, several microbreweries have popped up...
The World Health Organization cautioned against excessive alarm over a new, highly infectious variant of the coronavirus that has emerged in Britain, saying this was a normal part of a pandemic’s evolution. The WHO was joined other prominent public health officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci in the U.S., in warning that the reaction of many...
President Lenín Moreno announced Sunday night that the national Emergency Operations Council will meet Monday to consider “rapidly developing events relating to the pandemic.” Although the statement from the president’s office offered no details, a spokesman said later that the meeting would focus on the emergence of a new strain of coronavirus in Europe and...
By Isobel van Hagen Several European countries have banned flights from the U.K. over fears about new coronavirus variant that has forced millions of people in Britain to cancel their Christmas plans. Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Italy all announced restrictions on U.K. travel. Others will likely follow suit as scientists warned the new...
It is difficult for me to describe the moment: it was like being drenched by a hard rain or feeling the chill of dread when you realize the novel you are reading may not have a happy ending. I met a friend in a local cafe last week. I invited her to come down and...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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