
According to a Gallup / Cedatos poll released Tuesday, the vast majority of Ecuadorians believe the country is headed in the wrong direction and have little hope that a new government, to be elected in February, will be able to make significant improvements. In the poll taken last week, 89.5 percent of respondents said the...
By Brian Fung Dozens of U.S. states and the federal government sued Facebook on Wednesday in twin antitrust lawsuits, alleging that the social media giant has abused its dominance in the digital marketplace and engaged in anticompetitive behavior. The Federal Trade Commission, in particular, is seeking a permanent injunction in federal court that could, among...
Miércoles, 9/12/2020 Hola, Todos – For those of you who were upset that you weren’t warned that an issue contained an Un-April Fools article, here’s your notice. There will be one or more Un-April Fools articles before the end of the year. If you know which article it is, what’s the point of that? Actividades...
By Jason Beaubien Latin America is facing a pandemic of malnutrition. Hunger and obesity are rising side by side in the region. The working poor who can’t afford a nutritious diet are suffering at times from a lack of food and at others from an overabundance of poor-quality food. A new report from a consortium...
Ecuador’s crowded presidential field is finally complete for the February 7 national election. On Tuesday morning, the National Electoral Council (CNE) approved the candidacy of Andrés Arauz of the Correista Unión por la Esperanza. Then, just past midnight Wednesday, the Contentious Electoral Tribunal ordered the CNE to accept the candidacy of Álvaro Noboa. In all,...
By Stephen Vargha There are more firsts coming for the Cuenca Symphony Orchestra as they will present a ballet that most in the city have never seen. On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the symphony and Cuenca dancers will perform George Balanchine’s “Apollon Musagète” and “Jewels” at the Pumapungo Theater. “It will be a little different,”...
Martes, 8/12/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Bazar navideño para reactivar la economía (Christmas bazaar to reactivate the economy) – There will be a Christmas Bazaar in the patios of CIDAP (paseo Tres de Noviembre next to the stairs from parque De La Madre) from el 11-13/12 with hours from...
By Diego Ore In April 2019, Mexican police arrested suspected human trafficker Ignacio Santoyo in a plush area of the Caribbean resort of Playa del Carmen after linking him to a prostitution racket extending across Latin America. Yet it was not the 2,000 women Santoyo is alleged to have blackmailed and sexually exploited that ultimately...
Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Se aleja expectativa por mineria (Expectation for mining receding) – The possibility of mining becoming the main source of income for the country and generating investments of at least 4%of the GDP was announced by the Government in junio of last year. This hope...
Argentina has passed a new tax on its wealthiest people to pay for medical supplies and relief measures amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Senators passed the one-off levy, dubbed the “millionaire’s tax”, by 42 votes to 26 on Friday. Those with assets worth more than 200 million pesos ($2.5m; £1.8m), some 12,000 people, will have...
Victims of sexual abuse by prominent Cuenca priests say they are “cautiously optimistic” that an investigation by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights will produce justice they have been denied in Ecuador’s legal system. “Dozens of victims have come forward in several investigations, many at great risk to their reputations and even to their lives...
By Suzanne McGee As more Americans move to destinations farther flung than Florida and Arizona, they may find unexpected trouble in paradise. Two months ago, in the midst of a miserable, rainy east coast winter, my editor, at the end of her rope, gave in and bought a ticket to somewhere warm and dry. A...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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