Azuay ranks second in new Covid-19 cases; Mining expectations fade as Cuenca prepares for vote to protect water; 75% of women are victims of violence

Dec 7, 2020 | 7 comments

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Otras cosas –

Titular – Se aleja expectativa por mineria (Expectation for mining receding) – The possibility of mining becoming the main source of income for the country and generating investments of at least 4%of the GDP was announced by the Government in junio of last year. This hope is slowly fading due stumbling blocks in the country such as judicial decisions, anti-mining referendums, lack of prior consultation legislation, and the possible inclusion of protected forests in the prohibited zones all create difficulties in developing mining activity. Nevertheless, in the communities, the defense of nature justifies these actions. <As the grafitti says, you can’t drink gold.>

Women in Cuenca continue activities protesting gender violence through December 12. (El Mercurio)

Pasillo enrumbado para convertirse en patrimonio mundial (Pasillo on route to become world heritage) – The pasillo <don’t bother looking it up in Google Translate which will tell you it’s a hallway> has been nominated to UNESCO as a UNESCO Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This genre of music is closely associated with Ecuador and Cuenca in particular. <To hear some, Google Julio Jaramillo.>

Estudio revela violencia por identidad de género (Study reveals violence due to gender identity) – According to UN Women, 6 out of 10 women are victims of sexual violence in Ecuador with the number rising to 7 of 10 for women who are LGBTI. A study was conducted in Quito, Ibarra, Guayaquil y Cuenca and concluded that 74.5% of the women interviewed had suffered violence because of their gender identity. A study participant said that once this violence has been made known, the goal is to create public policy to prevent it. There will be 16 days of activities including marches and protests starting el 25/11 with the Día Mundial de No Vilencia Contra la Mujer (World Day of Non-Violence Against Women), and end el 10/12, Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos (International Human Rights Day).

Azuay, segunda en aumento de casos (Azuay, second in increase in cases) – According to information from the Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP), Azuay is 2nd in increases in cases of Covid afrer the Galápagos, and followed by Manabí, Pichincha, and Imbabura. <Now that’s scary. First Guayaquil with bodies in the streets, and then Quito with uncontrollably rising numbers and now Cuenca?> The report concluded that MSP’s active search for cases in the Galápagos, Azuay and Pichincha showed that there is still community transmission and that crowds are contributing to the cases found. The last tests showed the latest outbreaks can be attributed to silent transmission – a combination of pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic infections. There have been 12,271 cases in Azuay since the beginning of the pandemic with 428 in the last week. Cuenca has 9,758 with 375 since the previous domingo. The MSP is asking citizens to keep up with hand washing, use of masks, and social distancing. <Now is not the time to get careless. Merry Christmas – you’ve got Covid.>

Old news – sábado, 5/12/ 2020 –

Consulta ya tiene fecha (Referendum already has a date) – The Consulta Popular (The Popular Consultation – referendum) against mining in Cuenca will be held at the same time as the general elections on 2/7/2021. <For those of you who are eligible and registered, another reason to get to the polls to decide on mining in Cuenca. For those of you who are geographically challenged, Cuenca goes all the way to Molleturo on the border with Guayas. The canton with 1,232 sq. miles is bigger than Rhode Island.>

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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