
Union for Hope presidential candidate Andrés Arauz is denouncing the continued delay by the National Electoral Council (CNE) to certify his candidacy as a plot by President Lenin Moreno to keep him off the February 2021 ballot. “This is an outrageous attempt by Moreno and the forces of the political right to deny the people...
Editor’s note: Pandemic Profiles is an ongoing series that looks at how the Covid-19 pandemic is affecting the lives of Cuencanos and Cuenca expats. By Robert Bradley It is easy to understand why Raymond and Marissa Huntley, proprietors of Osaka Ramen on Coronel Talbot, across from San Sebastian Plaza, moved to Cuenca: it’s all about...
By Almudena Calatrava Just nine months ago, a line would form each day outside Buenos Aires’ bustling Cafe Tortoni, people trying to get in to drink a cortado coffee in the Argentine Belle Epoque halls once frequented by writers and artists such as Jorge Luis Borges, Carlos Gardel and Federico García Lorca. Now a few...
In the first major revision of Ecuador’s immigration law in six years, the National Assembly has voted for changes that will make it easier to deport foreigners who break the law and who violate visa rules. The Assembly passed the first draft of the Law of Human Mobility Thursday, sending it to President Lenin Moreno...
Jueves, 3/12/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Exposición resume los “hitos” de misión geodésica francesa (Exhibit summarizes the “milestones” of French geodesic mission) – The exhibit at the Planetario uses objects, drawings, documents and fotos to explain the French geodesic mission to Cuenca almost 3 centuries ago. It will be...
International air arrivals and departures are up sharply at the airports in Quito and Guayaquil and officials say they expect the trend to continue. At Quito’s Mariscal Sucre Airport, the number of arriving passengers has increased from 7,473 to 32,477 from June to October and arrivals could exceed 50,000 in December. “We are coming back...
Miércoles, 2/12/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Alcaldes protestan por recorte presupuestario (Mayors protest budget cut) – Mayors marched in Quito. 4 including Raúl Delgado, president of the Asociación de Municipalidades del Ecuador (AME), met with Pres. Moreno, and came to an agreement <sort of, I think> in which...
By Stephen Vargha After a successful return to the stage last month, the Cuenca Symphony is moving forward with ambitious plans to present more concerts for the residents of Cuenca. Maestro Michael Meissner is excited to present Antonio Vivaldi’s Baroque opera, “Il Giustino.” It is the first time the Renaissance Italian composer’s opera will have...
Ecuador’s National Police are stepping up efforts to combat a growing number of robberies in the country’s largest cities. In response to what it calls a “rising tide of crime, including more violent crime,” the police command announced Friday that it is adding a special office in Guayaquil, where crime has increased dramatically. According to...
Martes, 1/12/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Ópera barroca de Vivaldi estrenará la Orquesta Sinfónica (Symphony Orchestra to premiere Vivaldi’s baroque opera) – The OSC will premiere II Giustino by Vivaldi on 3 & 4/12 a las 19:00 and el 5/12 a la 18:00 in the teatro Pumapungo. Due to...
By Brandy Zadrozny Vaccination proponents and misinformation researchers had been waiting for years for Facebook to take action against the biggest and most influential anti-vaccination pages. So it was with some trepidation that they welcomed the news that the social network last week had banned some of the most popular and prolific anti-vaccination accounts —...
By Vanessa Buschschlüter An indigenous leader from the Ecuadorean Amazon is one of the winners of the Goldman environmental prize, which recognises grassroots activism. Nemonte Nenquimo was chosen for her success in protecting 500,000 acres of rainforest from oil extraction. She and fellow members of the Waorani indigenous group took the Ecuadorean government to court...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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