Property owners worry about highway projects; Basic salary unchanged; El Niño to travel by ‘popemobile’ and helicopter; Cuenca Orchestra plays Vivaldi

Dec 2, 2020 | 0 comments

Martes, 1/12/2020

Hola, Todos –
Actividades –

De la pagina cultural –

Ópera barroca de Vivaldi estrenará la Orquesta Sinfónica (Symphony Orchestra to premiere Vivaldi’s baroque opera) – The OSC will premiere II Giustino by Vivaldi on 3 & 4/12 a las 19:00 and el 5/12 a la 18:00 in the teatro Pumapungo. Due to the pandemic, the venue will allow 30% occupancy and require masks and distancing. The performance will also be available on the Sala Digital de Conciertos on YouTube. The concert is free, but the organizers are asking that attendees be punctual since the concert will start when scheduled. <The OSC knows the audience it’s playing for aren’t all gringos and the mañana culture.>

Otras cosas –

Titular – Por 583 predios construirán vía (For 583 properties they will build road) – The Colectivo Frente de Defensa Ciudadana, composed of property owners affected by the construction of a new 6-lane Pan Americana highway south access to Cuenca, has formed to ask for fair and real compensation. A spokesman for the group said that there are 100 property owners in the group and it hopes more will join. Some owners are in vulnerable groups without access to the technology needed to join meetings. <And these are probably the people who would be least able to resist pressure to sell for pennies on the dollar.> The locations of the 583 properties are in Baños (54), Turi (109), Tarqui (263), Victoria del Portete (23), and Cumbe (10). There are another 441 properties that will be affected by a new ciclovía (bike path). The 14.73 km. for the road will include 16 bridges, 5 pedestrian crossings, a “T” interchange at the vía rápida and a cloverleaf interchange in Cumbe. A second 42 km. stretch of the road will be on the vía Cuenca-Azogues-Biblián where 4 interchanges will be built in Azuay and 3 in Cañar.

Cuenca church officials announce the Christmas travel plans for the El Niño. (El Mercurio)

Bono de USD 60 por una sola vez en vez de alza SBU (One time $60 bonus instead of SBU hike) – The ministro de Trabajo (labor Secretary), Andés Isch, announced the Salario Básico Unificado (SBU – minimum wage) for 2021 will remain at $400. <I wonder how Isch is pronounced by an Ecuadorian? Or for that matter, a gringo. Ish? Isk?> $40 million will be budgeted to give the $60 bonus to the 380,000 workers who earn the SBU, and and another $100 will be given to 200,000 people who have lost their formal employment and have not recovered. <I guess the self-employed and informal workers are out in the cold on their own.>

Universidad de Cuenca llama a elecciones (U. of Cuenca calls for elections) – The U. of Cuenca is calling its students and its administrative and teaching staff to be part of the elections for the academic rector and vice-rector on 15/1/2021. Because of a resolution by the Corte Constitucional, the students’ votes will count for 50% instead of 25% as in the past. So far there are 3 pre-candidates – Augusta Hermida, Fernando Pauta, and the current rector, Pablo Vanegas who is running for re-election. Requirements for the position of rector are a Ph.D., at least 6 academic publications, and at least 5 years of experience in educational management.

El pase del Niño por redes sociales (The parade of El Niño on social networks) – Yesterday, the Archdiocese of Cuenca confirmed that the Niño Viajero will tour various points in the city on the Popemobile <They keep a Popemobile in Cuenca just in case the Pope decides to visit?> instead of holding the usual Christmas Even parade which has been cancelled due to the pandemic. A virtual festival will be held on the church’s social networks.

From this week until el 31 de diciembre, the Niño Viajero will be in the Catedral Nueva to receive organized visits. On the 24/12, the Niño will fly over the city in a helicopter from 7-8:00 and from 9:00, he will tour 21 sectors of the city on the Popemobile. <My question answered – the papa móvil was used during Pope Francisco’s visit to Ecuador, and being in good condition it was not thrown out.> The Niño will go to the 3 de Noviembre, 10 de Agosto, 9 de Octubre, and 12 de Abril marcados; Totoracocha, Monay, Empresa Eléctrica, Hospital Regional, mercado 27 de Febrero, Virgen de Bronce, Don Bosco, Control Sur, Fátima, Av. Loja, Feria Libre, Américas, Cebollar, Racar, Tejar, Ordóñez Lasso, Corazón de Jesús and El Carmen. In the afternoon there will be a Christmas festival on-line where the faithful can participate by sending videos of Christmas music, nativity scenes and celebrations at home. The best 3 will receive prizes.

The Municipio will light the Christmas lights este domingo. The Christmas tree is in the Plaza San Francisco, and the giant nativity scene is in the plaza de Otorongo.

Internacional –

Colombia extiende cierre de fronteras hasta enero (Colombia extends border closure until January) – The Colombian government announced that the closure of its land and river borders will be extended until 16/1/2021. It will also open its maritime borders at that time. There are exceptions including humanitarian emergencies and cargo and merchandise transport.

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper. The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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