
Jueves, 12/11/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Develan rostro de mujer que vivió hace 500 años en Pumapungo (Face of a woman who lived 500 years ago in Pumapungo unveiled) – In the 1980’s, archeologist Jaime Idrovo found the body of a woman in a tomb at the Pumapungo site....
By Stephen Vargha One of Cuenca’s international stars is helping to honor the city’s independence from the Spanish 200 years ago. Forty-year-old Sandra Argudo is giving back to her hometown with a special performance. The soprano and mariachi singer along with tenor Diego Zamora were involved in a very special concert by the Cuenca Symphony...
Miércoles, 11/11/2020 Actividades – De la pagina cultural – 200 monedas recordarán el bicentenario de Cuenca (200 coins will commemorate the bicentennial of Cuenca) – The Asociación de Numismáticos del Azuay has designed a coin to celebrate Cuenca’s Independence. The bronze colored coin is based on the Sucre with a profile of Antonio José de...
By Hillary Hoffower The generational wealth gap is stark. Multiple reports comparing millennials’ wealth and earnings to that of boomers when they were millennials’ age in the 1980s tell the story: Millennials hold four times less U.S. wealth than boomers held, according to Fed data, while a MagnifyMoney study found a $600,000 gap between the...
By William Graham Over my head a brilliant blue morpho butterfly danced in the humid jungle air. It was a splash of blue against a curtain of endless green. In the trees monkeys jumped from branch to branch like Olympic gymnasts. In the sky, more species of birds than I could ever hope to know...
Ecuadorian and U.S. trade negotiators said Tuesday that they expect the recently signed bilateral trade agreement to go forward as scheduled when Joe Biden succeeds Donald Trump as U.S. president in January. “The agreement follows long-established standard practices of the U.S. Department of Commerce and I see no reason why it will not be honored...
Martes, 3/11/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Arte resurge como ave fénix (Art resurfaces like a phoenix) – In spite of closures of galleries during the pandemic, other artists are opening spaces in Cuenca. Painter Olmedo Quimbita opened a gallery on Calle Larga y Miguel Ángel Estrella to exhibit his...
By Mario Abad There are roughly 2.5 million local artisans in Ecuador, most of whom rely on year-round tourists to sell their handmade wares. But with Covid-19 continuing to wreak havoc on the travel industry, many craftspeople have seen their incomes devastated. In the northern province of Imbabura, located in the Andes mountains, there are...
Wearing a mask can help protect you, not just those around you, from coronavirus transmission, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in new guidance Tuesday. The statement was an update to previous guidance suggesting the main benefit of mask wearing was to help prevent infected people from spreading the virus to others. Cloth...
By Scott Smith Jenashly Matos may only be 9, but she has big dreams of one day becoming a doctor and helping people. The challenges she faces growing up today in a poor barrio in Venezuela’s capital amid a historic pandemic are also hefty. The novel coronavirus has shut down schools in Venezuela and throughout...
Lunes, 9/11/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Del cuerpo del periodico – Novela aborda drama de la pedofilia (Novel tackles pedophilia drama) – The novel “El Rostro” by Ernesto Arias tackles pedofilia in the Catholic clergy. It will be launched as part of the Encuentro sobre Literatura y Latinoamericana “Alfonso Carrasco Vintimilla” via Zoom el...
By Joe Ferullo The tumultuous presidential campaign and its razor-thin result place much of the mainstream news media at a crossroads: They can continue to aid and abet polarization in the search for profits, or they can dial back and help shift the tone of the country. Make no mistake: The profit motive is strong....

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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