Cattling rustling increases; Used clothing sold through new app; Face reconstructed of Inca woman buried at Pumapungo; Tech problem sidelines tram

Nov 13, 2020 | 8 comments

Jueves, 12/11/2020

Hola, Todos –
Actividades –

De la pagina cultural –

Develan rostro de mujer que vivió hace 500 años en Pumapungo (Face of a woman who lived 500 years ago in Pumapungo unveiled) – In the 1980’s, archeologist Jaime Idrovo found the body of a woman in a tomb at the Pumapungo site. A multidisciplinary team reconstructed her skull and digitally reconstructed what she would have looked like. She was about 40 and a member of the Incan elite. Cícero Morales, who also reconstructed the face of the Señor de Sipán and Santa Rosa de Lima, reconstructed her face. There is a continuing research project to find out more about the woman and how she lived. An exhibit has been mounted about how her head was reconstructed.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Caducan insumos médicos (Medical supplies expire) – A total of $75,937 in expired supplies and $264,207 missing medical devices have been detected at the IESS hospital during a Comptroller’s study. Juan Carlos Milliback, the hospital manager, said that the items have been recovered and that a technical survey of the information of the central warehouse is being carried out <An inventory?>. The Comptroller found that information was not passed on to the manager and pharmacies about expiring products. One difficulty is that the hospital has a central warehouse, and among the hospital and pharmacies another 80 bodegas. <No wonder they can’t keep track of everything.>

The face of an Inca woman buried 500 years ago at Pumapungo was reconstructed by technicians at the University of Cuenca.

Aplicación fomenta el comercio de ropa usada (Application encourages the trade of used clothing) – The Niftymark app facilitates the sale and purchase of used clothing with the goal of reducing environmental impact. Sellers create an account and can sell used clothing in good condition by uploading fotos of the clothes. The app is available for free on the App Store and Play Store with more info at Once a buyer and seller reach an agreement, payments can be made by direct transfer or with debit and credit cards. Once the payment is made, Niftymark will pickup the clothing and deliver it to the buyer. The commission for the services is 38%. <I hope they have a procedure if clothes don’t fit.>

Combaten el abigeato ( Fighting cattle rustling) – The cantons of Paute, Guachapala, El Pan y Sevilla de Oro in Azuay and Santiago de Méndez in Morona Santiago are along the Río Paute watershed. They have had an increase in cattle rustling with thefts from owners who only have a few head of cows. The cantons along with other institutions are working together, and reports of robberies will be responded to by multiple institutions. Their plans include increasing security cameras and citizens’ campaigns. <A rustler who got caught would be grateful to see police, firemen, and all those other authorities. The neighbors would beat him up and burn his vehicle.>

Bloqueo técnico del tranvía (Technical blockade of the tram) – The Sistema de Alimentación por el Suelo (Ground Feeding System) was disconnected from substation 4 for maintenance, but debido a un fallo (due to a bug – our phrase for the day) the system couldn’t be reconnected by 4:00 on Wednesday. The only trams running were between the Río Tomebamba and Río Tarqui with no service in centro histórico or northern end of the line. The stoppage lasted until 6:43. If the problem recurs, the 11 feeder buses would run on the old 100 route which duplicates the tram route.

Agenda –

lunes – 16 de noviembre:
10:00 – Presentación de la segunda edición del libro: Julián en el Barranco (Presentation of the second edition of the book: Julián en el Barranco) – Facebook Live @Fundacionbarranco.

martes – 17 de noviembre:
18:00 Evento de homenaje a los artesanos del cantón (Event honoring the artisans of the canton) – Casa Patrimonial Municipal Chaguarchimbana – limited capacity.

del 17 al 19 de noviembre:
9:00 – IV Congreso de Educación Salesiana (IV Salesian Education Congress) – Information at

miércoles – 18 de noviembre:
18:30 – Presentación del libro: Ensayos para la memoria (Presentation of the book: Essays for memory) – by Antonio Lloret Bastidas – Teatro Sucre, Facebook live @CulturaCUE – limited capacity.

And that´s all for today so Hasta ? –



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